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10 years later

"Mom, I told you we'll be there next month. You can wait a little longer can't you?" Will whined into the phone.

"No, I can't actually!" Joyce huffed. "Why'd you have to move to New York permanently? I wanna meet my grandbaby!"

That's right. Grandbaby.

"Mom, we haven't even meet them yet. Relax."

Will and Mike had been together for about 12 years now. Of course, they couldn't get married but by the looks of things, that could all change soon.

They had been thinking about expanding their family for awhile now. It was just them for the most part, but Mike's little sister Holly would stay with them during school breaks and summer vacation.

Mike was a little skeptical about adopting a child because of how much he worked. He worked at advertising company. He had a degree in communications and marketing, and majored in business.

Will on the other hand, was always able to pick his own hours. He changed his major from art to art therapy, and runs his own little clinic in the building next door. He finally started to stay consistent in his own therapy and started regular medication for his bpd.

Mike felt so bad about it most of the time. This wasn't something that can be cured and Will would have to deal with it for the rest of his life. But he always kept on a brave face for him.

Anyways, Mike usually worked longed hours and Will didn't mind it much until he did.

Those nights where Mike wouldn't get home until 12am were absolute torture for Will sometimes. He really really needed him some nights, and of course those would be the nights that Mike is still at the office. Once Will even called him at work and told him that it was just because he missed his voice.

All this and more is why Will brought up adopting a child. Raising kids is something Will had always seen himself doing but never thought it'd be possible because he didn't like women. He hadn't even considered adoption until a few years ago.

He thought this could be a good opportunity to fulfill his little dream and make their family become closer. Maybe Mike would spend less time at work with a child around. But raising a kid with the love of his life was enough of a reason for Will to bring it up one night as the two were walking home.

"I don't know." Mike shrugged. "Do you think we'd be ready for something like that babe?"

"I think we are." Will replied. "Don't you wanna have an adorable little boy or girl to hold and call yours. Your son or your daughter. And they'd look up to you with their big innocent eyes admiring their father." He sighed happily.

"It does sound pretty rewarding when you put it that way. But I spend a lot of time away from the house. I wouldn't want to leave you both all alone like that. I don't wanna turn into my dad, Will." Mike frowned.

"Hey, don't say that. You're nothing like him. We love each other too much to let each other down like that. You'd be a great father Michael. A great one." Will held his hand.

Mike smiled as he looked into Will's eyes. "And you'd be the cool sexy dad that all the other parents swoon over." He spoke dramatically.

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