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"Will, I missed you bud!" Will's older brother Johnathan hugged him as he entered the house.

It was about 8pm, and Johnathan had just gotten off of work and came straight to the house to greet his brother.

"Missed you too." Will smiled brightly.

"Man, you're like totally jacked now." Johnathan pat Will's back.

Will blushed with embarrassment at the compliment. "Yeah whatever." He murmured.

"I thought you weren't gonna be here til December?" Johnathan asked.

"I'll still be here then, don't worry. I'm not going back to New York until January. I'm just gonna have to take an extra semester of classes another time. I'll pay Mike back for the classes I missed with my savings." Will told him.

"Speaking of Mike, where is he anyways?"

"Still in New York." Will replied.

"So, he let you come here by yourself?" Johnathan was confused.

"What do you mean 'by myself'? Why not 'by myself'? I'm 18 years old. Not 12." Will huffed.

"You guys got into a fight, didn't you?" Johnathan asked, matter of factly.

"How do you know?"

"Cause I've been with Nancy for almost 2 years now. I just know. But let me guess, the fight was his fault? It probably was. You know, I never liked him anyways. He's a legal adult, so I can beat his ass with less repercussions now if need be." He raised an eyebrow.

"Can we just stop talking about it? 'Mike, Mike, Mike'. He's not even HERE and that's all anybody can talk about with me! I'm still a person without him yknow!" Will folded his arms.

"Ok, jeez! Let's talk about college. Did you meet new people? Party? Get drunk?"

"All of the above." Will smiled.

Johnathan let out a dramatic gasp. "William Byers! Does your mother know about this!?" He motioned to the kitchen where Joyce was making dinner. Jane had gone out for a while.

"She does actually." Will nodded in a knowing tone.

"See, I wouldn't be able to get away with half of the stuff you do when I was your age." Johnathan rolled his eyes.

"Oh yeah? Like what?"

"Well for starters, Mom was super ok with you full on making out with your boyfriend, in your room, door closed! Also, she let him sleep over even when she wasn't home! I would've never been allowed to do that. Just saying." Johnathan shrugged.

"Yeah well you were older when Dad was around." Will reminded. "She was all over us back then. Guess she just didn't have time nowadays."

"Mhm, that's fair enough. But you gotta admit, if I was 18 and Mom found out I was drinking or whatever else while I was gone, she'd never send me back." He insisted.

"That's cause you never did any of those things!" Will laughed.

"And how are you so sure about that? Just cause you and Mom don't know about it doesn't mean it didn't happen."

"Mhm, ok Jon." Will rolled his eyes dramatically.

"See, you still don't believe me. But I'm older now, so it wouldn't matter anymore. I'm no longer a child like you William." He huffed.

"I'm not a child."

"You're quite literally a teenager."

"I'm a legal adult!" Will stomped.

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