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realized im leaving a little too much up for interpretation. y'all obviously have a broad idea of how will, lucas, and mike all look. also im sick of people making will all "small and petite" when in reality, he's buff byers 💪 so just imagine them 18-19. but the ocs are more diverse. luke is biracial(black and white) brown, curly hair- ear length. heavy freckles. alex is puerto rican with brown hair down her back. lisa is black with microbraids usually pulled into a ponytail. (i want micros so bad..) we love this friend group! 😍 kk, enjoy!


It was about half an hour since Mike had first arrived, and he was already feeling a bit buzzed. He had to admit though, it felt kind of nice.

"Mike! They made Jell-O shots in the kitchen, come on!" Lucas dragged him away again.

"Slow down!" Mike laughed.

He dragged Mike around the corner and into the kitchen. They grabbed 3 of the little red jello squares each, and basically inhaled them.

The two of them were laughing about nothing in particular as they walked out of the kitchen when a girl with short, blonde hair stopped Mike.

"Hey, you're Michael right?" She asked, gripping his arm.

Mike instantly felt annoyed, but the alcohol in his system calmed him down a bit. "Uh yeah, that's me." He smiled.

"Oh well I'm Mandy, it's nice to meet you." She slurred. She'd definitely been drinking a LOT. "Hey- uh, you're kinda cute, Michael." She giggled.

Mike shook her hands off of his arm. "Yeah, and I'm also kinda taken. Excuse me." He pushed past the girl.

"YO, MICHAEL!" Tyler called over.

"What's up, man?" Mike approached him with a smile, leaving Lucas, who was talking to some other people anyways.

"You smoke?" Tyler asked him.

"No, not really." Mike shrugged in return.

Mike didn't really drink or smoke. Well- he was underage after all- barely 19, so that wasn't anything unusual. Of course he's tried it before- marijuana and cigarettes, but it wasn't something that he really did.

"Well today's your lucky day, friend. Let's go! You're coming with me!" Tyler led Mike away.

Mike complied only because he was interested to see where this was going. He had to admit, he was nervous. But he was sent here to relax and have some fun. He'd already set himself off, so what's a little 'winding down'?

The two of them ended up in a pretty much empty bedroom. Probably a spare. There were a couple other guys and girls in the room as well, sitting in a lopsided circle on the floor. Some where leaning back while others were sitting straight up.

"Brought a friend guys! Make some room?" Tyler started, resting a hand on Mike's shoulder. "Says he doesn't smoke, but we're gonna change that tonight, yeah?" He spoke excitedly.

"Hell yeah!" A voice shouted out.

Mike slightly chuckled at the excitement as he found a place on the floor next to Tyler.

"Alright, who's got the blunt?" Tyler asked.

"Me." Another guy spoke.

"Let me see. We're gonna let our new friend take the first hit." He nudged Mike.

"Oh no, it's fine really." Mike started to really think about what he was doing, and started to panic a bit.

"Nah, I insist." Tyler smirked, pulling out a lighter. He lit it up, and passed it over to Mike.

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