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tw: mentioned of ed and weight/ not proofread even in the slightest.. sorry


"Mom!" Johnathan called out as he headed out the door of his Mom's house to go to work. "The doctors are sending over Lonnie's records soon. I gave them your address."

"Ok, that's fine honey. I'll see you tomorrow." Joyce came over to hug her son.

"Bye Mom." Johnathan pecked her cheek before leaving Joyce all alone.

She wasn't alone but for 30 more minutes, because that's when Hopper came in back from the station.

"Hey." He smiled.

Joyce was snuggled onto the couch, watching a movie. "Hi. How was work?" She asked cheerfully.

"Uneventful." Hopper shrugged, going to the bedroom. Probably to change his clothes. He returned a few minutes later and sat with Joyce. "What're we watching?"

"Oh, some werewolf movie. I don't get it." She chuckled.

"Hey, how's Will holding up?" He asked.

"I don't really know. He says he wants to get over it, and he doesn't wanna give Lonnie the satisfaction and whatnot. I know he's still upset, but he won't let himself be. He and Mike went over to Max's earlier to say hello though." Joyce explained.

"Yeah, he does that alot." Hopper agreed. "Where is he now? His room?"

"I don't know actually. I think he went to Mike's. They drove his car over there." She replied.

"You think? He didn't call?"

"No, he didn't. But he's with Mike, everything's fine." Joyce assured.

"Well how do you know he's with Mike? Unless he told you, how would you know?"

"Hop, of course he's with Mike! And if he wasn't, Michael would call me himself. They left together so if they weren't still together now, I can assure you, Mike would be the first to let me know. I don't wanna bother them, they're probably having some alone time since they haven't seen each other in so long." She said.

"I don't know. I feel like you're leaving a lot up to assumption." Hopper grumbled. "But hey, if you say he's safe, he's safe." He shrugged. "I'll leave it at that."

"Thank you." Joyce huffed back into the couch.

There were a few minutes of silence with them both watching the movie, except Hopper continued to take glances over at Joyce.

"I'm sorry, but I thought we were 'leaving it at that'? What's wrong now?" Joyce spoke up.

"I just think you put a lot of trust into the kid. Not to say he isn't trusted, but he's 18 Joyce. I feel like you let him run around here like he's an adult." Hopper explained.

"He is an adult! Hop, he doesn't even live here anymore for Goodness sake! He's in college, all the way up in New York. If he's fine over there with his boyfriend, he'll be fine here, in a more relaxed town that he has known his whole life."

"Well I don't just mean now, I mean whenever. Even before he moved away, you let the kid do whatever. You don't know what could've happened!" He said. "Well, something DID happen Joyce. And you know what I mean."

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