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tw: harsh words, kinda graphic?

"Hey, Jon... I think I'm gonna have to skip dinner with your family tonight. I have to stay with Mike. He's really upset." Nancy told Johnathan as he was getting ready to leave the house again to go to his Mom's.

"Oh." He said, obviously disappointed. "It's fine; hope he feels better."

"Bye." Nancy reached up to kiss her boyfriend. "Have fun. Love you." She smiled.

"Love you."


"Johnathan! Hey!" Lonnie greeted. "My oldest! It's been forever." Sat in the living room was Hopper, Jane, And Lonnie.

"Yeeep." Johnathan waved awkwardly.

"Where's that girlfriend of yours I heard so much about?" He asked.

"Oh, she's-"

"DINNER'S READY!" Joyce called out. "Has anyone heard from Johnathan?" She walked out of the kitchen. "Oh! There you are! I thought we agreed on six." She folded her arms. 

"And I knew the food wouldn't be done til 30 minutes after that." He teased.

"Hey, we were slaving away in this kitchen all day Jon!" Will yelled out.

"It's true." Jane added. "And I watched from afar." She giggled.

Pretty soon, everyone was at the table- well... they got another table from the shed to extend it a bit- all laughing over old stories. The whole family was together, and that was the goal. 

"And you almost scared her away with that little stunt of yours, Will!" Jane mentioned. "I've heard so much about you! Oh I wish I could say the same!" She mocked. "You're lucky she doesn't get mad easily!"

"Oh whatever! I totally had the right to be kinda mad!" Will replied.

"Yeah, but if someone ever did that to Mike, he'd come crying to you like crazy." Jane reminded.

"Who's Mike?" Lonnie asked.

"Oh, it's just Nancy's little brother." Will answered. "You'd remember him from when I was younger if you saw him." Speaking of Nancy," he quickly changed the subject. "I thought she was coming to dinner." Will motioned to Johnathan.

"Yeah, Mike got into it with his parents earlier at dinner about his little sister, so he's not doing so hot. Nancy wanted to stay with him. Try and help him out."

"What happened?" Will asked, genuinely interested.

"Well he found out that his parents got Caller ID and have been purposely ignoring his calls. And also, their mom spends all their money on buying toys for his sister, but never gives her any attention. Apparently he says that she told him how boring and sad it is living there. And how their parents fight all the time."

"That sucks. Holly doesn't deserve any of that. She's like the sweetest little kid ever." Will frowned.

"No but get this, Mike asked Holly if she wanted to live with him in New York! And that's when everything got crazy." Johnathan giggled.

"WHAT? He lives in a dorm!"

"He said he was saving up for an apartment I guess." Johnathan shrugged.

"Huh? He never told me anything about that."

"Well I doubt he'd just get a place without you, Will." Jon reassured.

"So Will." Lonnie cleared his throat. "You don't have a girlfriend yet?" He asked.

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