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Finally, Thanksgiving. The month of October had passed. Halloween had come and go for Will, considering his plans were ruined due to him not being in New York. He just kind of ignored it instead. But, tomorrow was Thanksgiving, and Will could not wait to spend it with his new extended family.

"NOOO!" Joyce screamed from the kitchen.

Will had been in his room for the morning, drawing and listening to music after he came back from the gym. He heard Joyce's cry through his headphones.

"Mom!?" He ran into the kitchen where his mom was prepping food.

"Oh, Will! I don't have any potatoes for the mashed potatoes tomorrow!"

"Can't Hopper get some on his way home?" Will suggested.

"He's not gonna be home until later. And I can't go tomorrow because it's gonna be impossible to find any decent ones on Thanksgiving day. Will, do you think you could run to the store and get me 5?"

"Yeah, sure." He quickly agreed. Anything to get out of the house. "I'll be back." He left for the front door, grabbing the keys.

Will was just in such a good mood the entire day. Max would be here tonight to be with her family for Thanksgiving break, and so would Lucas. He wanted to see how it would play out. He knew they both missed each other like crazy though. But most of all, he missed his best friend. They were together through some rough times and it'd been a little while since they'd spoken.

Will got to the overly crowded supermarket and picked out the best potatoes he could find, before standing in an extremely long checkout line. After he got out of there, he went straight home. When he pulled into the driveway, he saw a car parked in front of the house that he didn't recognize.

"Mom, I'm home!" Will called out from the front door. "I got five like you asked!" He made his way to the kitchen to put them away. But once he got there, he stopped dead in his tracks like a deer in headlights.

"Hey son." The man at the table across from Joyce waved. "How are you?"

"D-Dad?" Will asked in disbelief.

"Happy to see me? What's it been? 3 years?"

"Six." Will replied bluntly.

"Hey, well, happy thanksgiving." He chuckled.

"So Lonnie, what are you doing here?" Joyce asked, but not in her usual cheery tone.

"Can't I see my family on Thanksgiving? Where's my other son?" He replied.

"At his house." Joyce answered.

"He's moved out? How old is he?" "He's 22 Lonnie."

"Oh, well then how old are you?" He asked Will.
"18." Will put simply.

"You in college?" Lonnie asked again.


"What's with this one word answers, kid? What school do you go to? Damn."

Everything Will ever forgot about his dad was coming back to him. He couldn't stand this man.

"I go to New York University. It's a private school."

"Well that's fancy. Where'd you get the money for that type of schooling?" His dad asked.

"Mostly scholarship. Hey Mom, I was supposed to go pick up Jane, can I go real quick?" Will quickly thought up a lie to get out of talking to his dad.

"Uh, yeah sure." She replied with a weak smile. "Go ahead."

"Who's Jane? Your girlfriend?" Lonnie asked.

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