Will and his mom made it home, and changed into something comfier. They were going to bake cookies and watch movies like they used to when he was a kid.

"Hey mom I'll be right back, just give me a minute." Will said as he walked into his room. He picked up the phone and dialed in Mike's number.


"Hi Mike!" 

Will had a good time out with his mom. He was in a much better mood than he was earlier, and you could hear it in his voice.

"Hi love, how was dinner?"

He blushed at the pet name. It was something that Mike only rarely called him, but he was ok with that.

"It was nice, and the food was really good too. I got this pita bread with this like green sauce and it was amazing! I have some leftover, you can try it tomorrow."

"That sounds good. Did your mom have a good time?"

"Yeah, we had a great time. It makes me really wish we could've gotten more moments together, you know?" He answered sadly. "Ugh, but I promised myself that I wasn't going to cry today so I need to suck it up." Will chuckled into the phone.

"Well it's nice that you got to do this for her. I'm sure she appreciates it."

"Yeah, but I think we're gonna go watch a movie in the living room right now."

"Ok, that sounds nice. You're off of work tomorrow right?"

"Mhm. I'll call you in the morning ok?"

"For sure."

"Bye, I love you."

"Love you too."

Will, content with the conversation, went back out of his room to join his mom in the kitchen, who was getting the ingredients ready to make cookies.

"Mike huh?" Joyce asked as Will crept up behind her.

"What?" He questioned, genuinely confused.

"You were talking to Mike, no?" She chuckled. "Oh! Yeah, I was." He answered nervously. "So uh... I wanted to circle back to our conversation from earlier-" "Mom! Please!" Will begged, already knowing what she was hinting at.

"Well I didn't know you were having sex already! That's a big deal Will! A big deal! And you never even told me!"

"Well sorry I don't regularly bring up my sex life to my mother in everyday conversation." Will rolled his eyes. "And besides, you already asked. Yes, we're safe. No, I'm not being pressured. Yes, I'm ok. No, I don't have any questions. Can we just make cookies now?!"

"Ok, ok! That's all I wanted to know!" Joyce giggled, rubbing circles on her son's back in comfort. "Now go get the butter."


After leaving the cafe, Jane was headed to her friend Kathryn's house. She knew exactly what she was going to say, and she even practiced it on the way. Or at least she thought she was on her way to Kathryn's house... Why the hell was she standing in front of her own house right now? Did she really just subconsciously walk all the way here? Shit. She wasn't ready. She wasn't ready at all, what was she even thinking?

Jane immediately ran inside of the house and upstairs to her room. Without even thinking, she shoved her face into her pillow and stayed like that, still. It took a few moments for everything to soak in. For her to completely break down. Jane was about 10 minutes into her crying session before she decided to get up.

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