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The pair sat on Will's bed for a while as Will tried to explain what his mind had been going through these past few days.

"I'm sorry you have to go through that. I don't know what I could do." Mike hugged him.

"It's fine. It's not like I know either." Will shrugged.

"Doesn't it feel better talking about it though?"

"Yeah, I guess it does."

Mike gave him a quick peck on the lips. "I love you. You're really strong, you know that?"

"Yeah well if I'm so strong, why do I keep doing this to myself?" He dramatically laid back in bed.

"The first step is recognizing what you're doing is bad." Mike laid down next to him. "It's ok."

Will just sighed in return. He wanted to drop it for a while since he was feeling more like himself again. The Will that he felt like now and the Will that would lie, and hurt himself, and keep his distance from Mike, were two totally different people.

"Mike do you wanna see my art project? It's due tomorrow and I just finished it earlier." Will said getting up.

"Of course."

Will went over to the shelf on his desk a pulled out a brown stained piece of paper. He took it back over to Mike.

"Here it is." Will smiled proudly as he displayed the drawing in front of Mike.

It was a charcoal drawing of a dark raven with tall, bright buildings spaced across the background. It was beautiful.

"Will, you did this?" Mike asked in awe.

"No Mike, my sister did. Of course I did dummy."

Mike rolled his eyes. "A bird is what's most important to you? I mean don't get me wrong, it's amazing but-"

"Mike, you have no artistic vision. It's you!"

"It's me? I'm a bird?"

"I hate you. No, it's metaphorical. You're a ravenette! Your hair." He gestured to Mike's black curls.

"Oh. OH. Oh my God, Will- that is so cool. I'm the thing that's most important to you?"

"Of course you are." He shrugged nonchalantly. "Is it not obvious? I make it obvious right?"

"No yeah, yeah. You always do. Mike quickly reassured him. That's so sweet; I just know you're gonna get an A. Cause it's me of course." He grinned.

"Well good, cause it's due tomorrow. My professor said that we shouldn't get used to these long due dates because he's gonna start making the deadlines quicker pretty soon. I hope it isn't too crazy cause it took me awhile to get this done." Will laid back down after sitting the drawing down.

"Let me help you." Mike suggested with a smile.

"You? Help me with school work? Never." Will answered with a laugh.

"Come on babe, let me draw you a self-portrait for your next thing." He poked at Will.

"I missed that." Will said.

"Missed what?"

"You calling me babe or baby or love. I can tell you're upset with me when you call me Will too much." He yawned.

"Duly noted."

"Hey Mike?"


"Did Luke tell you? About me. Is that how you found out?"

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