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"It just isn't fair. None of it is." Will said as he packed up his clothes from his wardrobe.

It had been a few days since their argument, and Mike had been completely avoiding Will. Like going out of his way just so they wouldn't make contact.

"Aw, Will. He'll come around." Lucas tried to calm him. Lucas had come to help Will with his packing. Luke had class but should've been back soon.

"No he won't. I don't even know where he is. He won't talk to me. He hates me. Tell me, when was the last time you saw him?"


"Exactly. I'm worried about him. I don't know why though, it's clear he doesn't care anymore." Will said sadly.

"He's just upset with everything that's going on. He's gonna come back."

"Lucas, I leave tomorrow! If he's not here now, he's never going to be. A-And I can't worry about it anymore." Will said.

"Holy shit guys!" Luke came bursting through the door.

"What? Why are you so loud?" Will complained.

"I just saw Mike down the street, smoking a blunt. Where does he get his shit and why can't I find it!? I mean... that's not the main issue here." Luke ended more quietly.

"Where is he?" Will asked.

"He's by that storage unit. Just like standing behind it." Luke explained.

"What were you doing behind there?" Lucas asked.

"Looking for pot. Duh. Do you want me to go get him? He's probably still there." Luke offered.

"No, it's fine. I just- didn't know he smoked weed."

"Maybe he's stressed? Trying to take the edge off?" Luke suggested.

"No, remember that one time he came back from Tyler's party, super high?" Lucas reminded.

"Yeah, but that was one time. And a party, where everyone else was too." Will explained.

"Are you sure you don't want me to get him?" Luke offered up again.

"No it's fine. Don't wanna force him." Will spoke softly. "Anyways, I think that's enough. I still have some stuff at my mom's house." He zipped his suitcase.

"Do you have to leave?" Lucas frowned. "I'm gonna seriously miss you dude."

"Me too." Luke spoke up. "It's gonna be so empty around here."

"I'm sorry guys. I think it's for the best."

"Did you tell your mom that you're coming back?" Lucas asked.

"No, I'll surprise her. I haven't talked to her in a while. Well to be fair, I've been purposely avoiding her calls." Will admitted.

"Why? What happened?"

"Cause I didn't have anything good to talk about; I relapsed. She would've been so disappointed, and I wouldn't be able to talk to her without telling her. So... wish me luck tomorrow I guess."

"You want me to go with you to the airport?" Lucas offered. "It isn't a choice by the way, I'm not letting you go on your own; you literally have no sense of direction."

"Whatever." Will rolled his eyes. "Shit, I didn't even tell Alex and Lisa that I was leaving. I'm gonna go for a minute guys. Be right back."

Will knocked on the door across the hall, hoping the girls were there.

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