For the better chapter 1 preview

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Will's POV:

the group 🫶🫶🫶

dustyh🤡: willy, where are you..?
it's time for school

billwyers😽: chill im omw.. and stop calling me willy 😐

eleventyseven: well hurry it up then willy🙄
you literally can't be late for your first day of senior year. im already here!!!

Yep. Senior year. Was Will excited for it? Short answer, no. Long answer, definitely not. All he wanted to do was get out of there. School was never a fun place to be. He had his two friends, Dustin and his stepsister El, who made it bearable, but not enough to make school enjoyable.

It was his first day back, so he had to have some kind of positive attitude. His mom would constantly remind him that if you go into something with a negative mindset, your outcome will be just that. Will mentally groaned remembering that.

He was dressed in a mustard colored hoodie with sweatpants cut into shorts, and pretty much ready for school, spending the remainder of his free time listening to music until his mom called him downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning mom." Will greeted, taking a seat at the table.

"Morning sweetie. I made some waffles earlier. You're gonna have to get a move on though. It's nearly eight o'clock!" Joyce explained.

"Yeah. I know." He frowned.

"Hey, you're gonna be fine honey. It's your last year in high school. Make the most of it! You don't want it to end too fast. Trust me." She patted Will's back.

"I guess you're right. Maybe this'll be a better year." He shrugged.

"See, positive thoughts." Joyce smiled.

"Hey, how did El get to school?" Will asked as he bit into his waffle. "I could've driven her."

"Oh, she rode her bike. She was really excited to get there early." Joyce chuckled.

Will had gotten his brother Johnathan's old car when he went off to college, and before El and her father moved in. And considering she had no license either, Will was her designated chauffeur.

"Ok, I think I'm gonna head out, Mom." Will put his plate into the sink.

"Alright honey, have a great day." She hugged him.


Will pulled into the student parking section of Hawkins High, and sat in his car for awhile. He pulled out his phone and began to scroll through Instagram. He suddenly got a DM.

@prestinurmom: i had a really good time the other night 😉😉

Ugh. Will had completely forgotten about that guy. He actually felt kind of bad for him. Will wasn't looking for any serious relationship, but he did know that he wanted something. Anything really. It just kind of sucked that this is the way he had to get it.

Will had come out as gay in sophomore year. He's tried relationships since then, but nothing ever lasted. Now, the closest he gets to that is helping "straight" guys figure out that they're not as straight as they thought.

Honestly, Will didn't know how he felt about the whole 'one night stand' scene. He always felt weird after he had one. Numb really. But he didn't know any other way.

"WILL!" El banged on the window of his car.

"HOLY SHIT!" Will jumped out of the car. "What the actual HELL is wrong with you El!?"

"Sorry!" She giggled. "It's almost eight thirty. We've got pre-calc first. Didn't want you to be late." She shrugged.

"While I appreciate your concern, please don't ever do that again. Let's go."

would this be better in first person orrr..? lemme know if we like it!

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