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"Mike... How did you figure out that you were gay?"

"Huh? Jane what are you talking about? What are you asking me?" Mike's eyes bulged out of his head at the question.

"I'm asking you when did you know that you were gay. Like- I guess... I don't know. How did you find out that you liked Will as more than a friend?" She asked again.

Mike could tell that she was desperate for an answer, but he didn't know if he had one for her.

"Wait, why are you asking?" Mike wondered aloud.

"I just- Can you please just answer me Mike? I came to you for this ok? Specifically you."

"Oh uh- I don't know I guess it was a while ago. Like when we were kids, we were just friends until I started to see him in the way I was only supposed to see girls. And it scared me, and I tried to hide it by shutting him out. Which as you know, definitely wasn't the right move." He sadly chuckled.

Jane was quiet for a while. "S-so when did you finally accept yourself?" She asked, nearly whispering.

"When I realized I was in love with him."

She went quiet again.

"Jane are you alright? Is something wrong?" Mike was starting to get even more worried.

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong. Look, I'm really sorry I woke you up- thanks for talking to me though." She said shakingly as if she was getting ready to cry again.

"Jane wait, what's going on with you?" Mike tried.

"Just go back to sleep. Don't worry about me. Good night Mike."


But there was nothing, no response. "Shit" Mike said under his breath, she hung up. Mike slowly sat the phone back onto the wall.


A voice came up from the hallway. A beautiful voice. It was Will, dressed in Mike's old t-shirt and plaid pajama pants that were slightly too long on him.

"Who are you on the phone with?" Will asked as he walked over and latched both his arms onto one of Mike's. Mike loved when he did things like that. Will really enjoyed spending time with Mike, but he wasn't a very clingy person. And he was only touchy when he wanted to be. Mike was always the one to whine and complain anytime Will decided to go home instead of Mike's. Of course, he respected Will's decisions of not wanting to hang out every single day, but he couldn't help but feel just a little sad every time they were apart.

"I'm not on the phone with anyone." Mike lied. Jane said that she specifically chose to call Mike. As much as he hated lying to his boyfriend, he knew it would be wrong to share the private conversation he and Jane just had.

"So you were talking to the wall?" Will raised his eyebrows up at Mike. "I don't know what you want me to say. I was just getting something to drink."

"You're lying Mike." Will let go of his arms to look him in the eye. 

"I'm not. Will, let's just go back to bed. You worry too much."

Shit. Mike wanted to take that last part back so bad. He was probably making Will feel like he was going crazy or something. Like he was hearing things. He already had enough issues about that, but Mike doesn't think before he speaks, and it was already out there.

Will gave up easily; Heavily sighing before going back to the room, Mike following close behind.

When they got back in bed, Will immediately started on his way back to sleep, while Mike stayed awake in nothing but confusion. What's going on with Jane? Why was she asking those questions? Was she crying? Why'd she specifically call for Mike before anyone else? Before Will. That doesn't add up at all.

Soon enough, it was morning. Mike couldn't tell if he had slept or not, but it was 8am so some sort of time had passed. He quickly took notice that Will wasn't in bed next to him. As if on queue, Will came out of the bathroom in a grey sweater and grey shorts that would probably be considered "short shorts".

Assuming he was still asleep, Will started to walk right past where Mike was laying down in bed. Mike put a hand on his waist, stopping him from going any further.

"Good morning to you too." He nudged Will's hip.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were awake. Good morning." Will smiled as he gave Mike a peck on the lips.

"Where are you going?" He asked because Will obviously looked like he was on his way out.

"For a run."

"Since when do you go on runs?" Mike asked, still laying down as he dragged the tips of his fingers up and down Will's side.

"Since my therapist told me it's a good way to get over myself and clear my head."

"Oh. Have you been having... bad thoughts about yourself again?" Mike swallowed a dry lump that formed in his throat.

"Well- no, not really. It's just that I wanna prevent it you know? I just know I'm gonna be overwhelmed by the whole moving thing next week and I don't want to deal with my own mind trying to psych me out."

Mike let go of a deep breath he'd been holding. He was really glad Will wasn't having those thoughts. "That's good. That's really good, I'm proud of you baby." He smiled.

"Proud for what?" Will giggled, forming a small blush.

"That you're finding nice ways to wind down. You're so brave Will."

"Ugh, stop getting all sappy!" Will laughed. "You're gonna make me cry!"

"Fine! Go for your run then!" Mike chuckled as he let go of Will. "Oh and one more thing Will!" He called out as Will was leaving the room.


"Your ass looks so good in those shorts." He smirked.

"I hate you."

word count: 1034

a/n: yeah. short chapter im sorry! there should be another one out this weekend only if i have time tho. some reveals coming soon too... anyways byeeee

~Mo >:)

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