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"Bye Will." Mike engulfed his boyfriend into a big hug. "I love you."

"Quit hugging me like that. It's just therapy. You're scaring me."

"Sorry! Sorry! Hey, what should I wear for tonight? Or should we get dressed together?" Mike wondered aloud.

"Hm, I don't trust you. We'll find something together. Now I gotta go." Will opened the door to a familiar office building.

"Bye, I'll be back to pick you up!"

"I'm not fivvvve!" Will called out as he walked inside, closing the door behind him.

"Hi William." The lady at the front desk greeted. "Dr. Maxwell will be ready in just a second." She explained in a warming smile.

"Ok, no problem." Will smiled back and took a seat outside his doctor's office.

All but 30 seconds later, the door opened.

"Hi Will, you ready?" A lady with blond, curly hair pulled into a ponytail asked him.


"So, how's the week been?" The lady asked as she settled on a couch across from a big chair that Will sat in.

"I think it's been really good. I've been in a good mood. Mike got a new job. Well I guess it can't really be new unless you've had an old one first." He snickered. "Uh but- yeah. I've been hanging out with my friends during the day, and I spent the night with Mike in his room. Oh- and I'm going out tonight!" He explained happily.

"Ooo, do tell." She grinned.

"I don't really have details yet but a friend invited me to this place that I guess is like hard to get into or something-that's what I heard. And I'm bringing Mike along as well."

"Oh, well was Mike invited?"

"Not exactly. But I already promised him that we would go out yknow? Then I was kinda rude with this guy and he said he would be happy if I go to that place with him to hangout. I felt bad."

"Did you want to go?"

"Well since I was planning on going out anyways, I thought why not do this with him. It's easy. It wasn't just me people pleasing I swear Avery!"

"Hey." She put her hands up in defense. "You don't need to swear to me. Just make sure YOU know that. But let's talk about this good mood for a minute."

"Yeah? What about?"

"Are you in a good mood with yourself? Or is it because of what's happening around you?" Avery asked in a soothing voice.

"Oh uhm both? I feel pretty good with myself right now. I've been working out and stuff to clear my mind."

"Is it working? Do you feel any clearer?"

"Um, yeah. Yeah, I am."

"Safe space remember? You're lying, and you don't have to lie." Avery explained. "Is it working Will?"

"I'm not lying! How can you even tell anyways?"

"Because Will, we just started. Progress is not gonna happen in an instant. Your actions have to be continuous, routine. You never got real recovery. You're on a path and you have to follow it continuously to see a change in your everyday mood."

"Recovery? Why do I suddenly feel like a drug addict?" Will chuckled nervously.

"Will, you've attempted before. And you've self-harmed throughout your whole life, even recently. You were suicidal, and now you have to recover from that. Will, if you want to get any better, if you want your mind to be any clearer, you have to be aware of that."

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