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tw: a little sexual content but the actual details are completely skipped cause we r pg-13 man

Will woke up to a tight feeling on the outside of his stomach. Mike's hands were grabbing onto him for dear life, pressing Will's against his body. Will loved it. His eyes felt really heavy. He had fuzzy memories of crying violently for a really long time yesterday.

He slowly turned, trying not to wake him. But he wanted to look at him. Will admired how Mike looked while sleeping. He admired his pale skin, his pink nipples, his thin collarbone, and worked his way up to the dark stubble on his chin, and the perfectness of his cheekbones. He watched as Mike's pink, chapped lips slightly parted while he slept. Will was always on about how Mike should use chapstick or else his lips may crack, but Mike would always rebut with something along the lines of, 'Well you still kiss them, don't you?'

Will felt Mike shuffle a bit and watched as he slowly cracked his eyes open.

"What's up?" Mike smiled, still squinting.

Will gave him a weak, half smile.

"How are you holding up?" Mike questioned as he brought a hand to Will's cheek, rubbing his thumb in circles.

"Don't know." Will quietly answered.

"Hm." Mike responded in a hum.

Will just couldn't help it anymore. He'd missed this kind of touch forever. He brought his face and hand up to Mike's to give him a deep kiss. It wasn't intense, by any means. It was loving. Desperate, yet slow paced.

"Missed you." Will breathed as he pulled back.

"Missed you too." Mike smiled.

There were a few beats of silence after that. Until Mike spoke.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked.

"About him? No."

"You wanna talk about us?" Mike asked again.

"No." Will spoke. He pulled a hand up to Mike's chest, tapping lightly. "Just lay here with me? Please?"



"Will? You up?" Johnathan asked, opening up the door. "Hey Mike." He waved.

"Yeah." Will sat up in bed.

"Oh well, we're up to date on everything that was happening so... Me and Mom are in the kitchen if you wanted to know what was going on, and eat something maybe. It's almost one." Johnathan suggested.

"K. I'll be out in a second." Will replied as he watched Johnathan nod and walk back out.

"You ok?" Mike turned over to look at Will.

Will reached under the blankets to grab Mike's hand. "Yeah."

Will got out of bed to his drawers to find Mike a new shirt. It was a random faded, blue graphic tee, that happened to be Mike's anyways.

"Morning Will, morning Mike." Joyce greeted as the two joined them in the kitchen. Hopper had to go out to work.

"Morning." Will tried a smile, taking a seat. "Can we get this over with? Not trying to be rude or anything." He shrugged. "Morning." Mike pulled a chair up closer to Will.

"Yeah, ok." Johnathan started. "Basically, the doctors told us that he had untreated liver cancer which spread. He was diagnosed awhile ago, but he didn't do anything about it. And you know, he continued with all the alcohol so... it got worse. It was bound to happen really."

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