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warning- cringy couple stuff and a little intimacy or whateva| also not proofread!

Mike was sitting on his bed playing his Gameboy while he waited for Will to come over to his dorm. He had gotten out of class a little bit ago and he wondered what was keeping Will. He didn't have to wonder for long though, because soon enough there was a knock at the door.

"Yeah!" Mike yelled across the room.

The door opened and Mike was faced with the most beautiful sight known to man: his boyfriend.

Will gave a shy smile and waved from the entrance. "Hi."

"Hey." Mike smiled back. "Come here." He tapped his bed for Will to join him.

Will walked over and sat on the bed next to him, close enough so they were touching. Mike took the opportunity to wrap his long arms around him and rest his head on his shoulder.

"You look good." Mike stared at his boyfriend.

"Thank you." Will smiled again.

"No really like-" Mike repositioned himself to feel Will's arm which was covered by a sweatshirt. Will was always insecure about his body
and nearly anorexic at a point. Mike couldn't have been prouder that he was eating better, and becoming more secure in his body. "You've been working out?"

"Maybe." Will giggled. 

"Damn." Mike started to put pressure on the muscle. "How much do you lift usually?"

"I don't know? Like 180? You can stop groping my arm now." Will rolled his eyes in a chuckle. "You're like- drooling."

"I don't know if I'm extremely jealous or extremely turned on right now."

"Oh my gosh." Will rolled his eyes again while trying to hide a blush. He quickly changed the subject. "Why'd you buy this stupid video game anyways?" He picked up the Gameboy. "I think it was a big waste of money."

"Excuse me?! This thing has got me through really boring times this semester!" Mike held a hand up to his chest.

"Ugh, whatever dude."

"Dude? Dude? I know you did not just call me dude!?"

"I mean the most smartest, super handsome, and most beautiful man I've ever met in my entire life."

"I like that name more." Mike murmured as cuddled closer to Will. Will could feel the heat of Mike's breath on his skin.

"What other names do you like?" Will started to softly massage his boyfriend's scalp.

"I like babe, and love of my life, and baby, and my boyfriend..." He looked up at Will.

"My boyfriend? That's a title not a pet-name." Will slightly nudged.

"Yeah but I'd like if you tell people that I'm your boyfriend. Like- Hi I'm Will and this is my boyfriend Mike. Yknow?" He explained.

"I do do that. When necessary."

"That's what I'm talking about. What does necessary even mean Will?"

"I don't know. I guess I don't need to blurt it out every chance I get." He shrugged.

"But why not?" Mike whined. "I'd tell the whole word that I'm yours. Cause I love you. I know you're not like ashamed of me or anything, but it feels like you are sometimes." He pouted.

"Does it really bother you that much?" Will sighed.

"Mhm." He nodded in return.

"I'm sorry. I'm not ashamed of you Mike, I love you too much for that. I'll start screaming it from the rooftops if it makes you feel better."

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