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"You have to get ready for your interview! Leave me alone!" Will screamed as he was being chased around his room by Mike.

After nearly a month of searching, Mike found a job that seemed simple enough for him: package handling at UPS. A nice job for a college student. During that same month, they found Will a new therapist, and his first session was two weeks ago. It's been pretty well, according to him. Mike's interview was today, but right now, he was busy chasing Will around for a kiss.

"Please? Just for good luck?" Mike pled with puppy eyes as he stood in front of Will's bed.

"You're such a baby." Will groaned. "Fine, I guess." He reluctantly walked over to Mike and wrapped his arms around his neck. "Good luck." He smiled as he connect his lips with Mike's.

Mike slowly snaked his hands onto Will's waist. And pulled them together to where they were touching; he left no room. Will complied and continued to kiss back.

Mike noticed this and decided to take it a step forward. He held a tighter grip on Will's waist and pulled him onto the bed.

In a swift move, he got on top to deepen the kiss. Will imitated the action, tangling his fingers into Mike's hair.

Mike used one arm to hold himself up, and rested the other on the side of Will's face. He moved down slightly to nip at his neck.

"Mike, no." Will whispered. "Don't do this right now."

"Hey Will, your mom called and sh- I'M SO SORRY!" Luke came through the door, interrupting the two before immediately shutting it closed.

Will pushed Mike off of him and rolled his eyes. "This is why I say no to you. You always do this."

He rushed toward the door to catch up to Luke.

"Luke! Wait, come back!" Will called behind.

"You guys done?"

"I'm really sorry." Will started. "I really don't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. And you always have to like deal with us and stuff. I'll like- ban Mike from the dorm or something if it stops that from happening. I'll just go over there with him or something like that maybe." He blurted out.

"Whoa Will, calm down." Luke chuckled. "I'm not mad or uncomfortable or anything like that. We're all friends, and that's your boyfriend. I get that. Just maybe... put a sign up on the door or something? I don't know. Just like some kinda warning or else we might have a really embarrassing and awkward situation on our hands."

"Yeah." Will's face blushed red from embarrassment. "Sorry again though. And it's your room too, so feel free to kick me out anytime as well." He cracked a smile.

"Oh uh- I was gonna tell you that your mom called earlier. She told me that you needa tell her a good date to come visit." Luke mentioned.

"Oh shit, I keep forgetting we have a phone in there now. Ok, thanks. I'll let her know."

"Ya know, I'm kinda interested in meeting your mom." Luke smirked.

"Yeah? Why is that?"

"Cause you're like suuuper nice. And innocent too- well except with Mike..."


"Is it safe?" Mike asked out of nowhere, coming out of the room.

"Besides the bleach I'm gonna have to put in my eyes after watching you grind on my roommate, yeah; I'd say it's pretty safe." Luke said sarcastically.

"Ha. Ha." Mike rolled his eyes.

"Mike, you have to get ready for your interview! Come on, we gotta find you something decent to wear." Will started to push him down the hall. "Bye Luke!"

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