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The next couple days went on the same way. Will still wasn't talking much and he had asked Mike to stop talking about the therapy thing. Mike complied but only if Will promised to at least think about it, for his own sake.

Actually, Will was being kind of distant. Ever since he left Mike's room that morning, they haven't really seen each other. Mike so desperately wanted to go find Will and squeeze him into the tightest hug so that everything would be better. But it's not that easy, and he knows that, which is why he wants Will to get the help he needs.

Mike was in the common room, catching up on his work when he heard a familiar voice coming from the other side of the cafe. He was bored out of his mind so he decided to go follow the voice.

"Mike! Hey." Lucas greeted at the pool table.

Of course him and Luke were playing pool together again.

"I feel like you guys are always here." Mike chuckled. "Don't you have like school or something to do sometimes?"

"Whatever dude." Luke scoffed jokingly. "It's fun! Hey, maybe you should get Will so we can play two versus two." He suggested.

"Ooo yeah!" Lucas agreed. "I can be on Will's team since he's a beginner and I'm an expert." He said matter of factly.

"An expert? Please." Luke murmured.

"I don't think Will's gonna wanna play." Mike told them. "Where is he anyway? In his room?"

"Uh... He wasn't in there when I was just there 5 minutes ago. I assumed he was with you." Luke shrugged.

"So he's not in his room? Where is he?" Mike started to panic. He didn't want to invade Will's space, but he also didn't want him to be alone for too long when his state of mind wasn't exactly rational.

"Hey, hey, Mike? It's ok, I'm sure he's fine." Lucas tried to calm him. He partly knew the situation considering he walked into the dorm room as they were talking. "Let's go up and check." He went over to pat Mike's back. "Luke we'll be right back. Don't let anyone take the table!"

"On it!"

Lucas and Mike made their way upstairs to the dorms, only to find Will's locked.

"Shit!" Mike banged his fist on the door. "Didn't ask Luke for the keys." He started to knock on the door just in case Will was in there.

"Mike, what's going on with you guys? I can tell something's wrong." Lucas asked calmly.

"Nothing. It's fine. I just need to find him." He started to walk off.

"Mike wait." Lucas grabbed ahold of his arm. "What happened?"

Mike took a deep breath, considering if he should tell him or not.

"Look, Will is just not being- He's not himself, and I'm scared because when he acts like that he gets all self-destructive and stuff. I don't want him to do anything bad."

"Hey, I get it, why you're so worried. We all worry, but you need to be chill about it and collect yourself before you go around the entire campus looking for him. You have to think first." Lucas softly explained.

"I know it's just- It's just so tiring." His voice started to shake. "I love him so much, but it's so hard trying to take care of him when he gets like this. I feel like I'm losing my mind. A-and I'm trying to get him to go back to therapy because it was working so well, and he seemed happy. But he's refusing to go. Now he won't even talk to me and I- I just don't know what to do." He was in tears at this point.

"Have you tried telling him that that's how you feel?" Lucas asked.

"I can't. Cause then he'll feel guilty for making me upset, and he'll do something to hurt himself. He won't even think about the fact that him doing that to himself is what's hurting me."

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