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"Happy birthday Hol!" Mike exclaimed through the phone that sat on the wall.

"Thank you Mike! When are you gonna come get me? Is Will coming too?"

"Wait- Who said anything about me coming to get you?"

It was Holly's seventh birthday, and Mike had planned a surprise to take her to the zoo. The only people he told about it were Nancy, Will, and his mom to get the ok on picking her up for the afternoon.

"Mom said that you had a surprise and you were gonna pick me up!"

Mike let out a huff of breath through his nose. "Of course she did." He mumbled. "I'm gonna be there in a couple hours so put on your best birthday outfit!"

"Why can't you come now?" Holly whined.

"Oh so you wanna go without Will while he's at work?"

"WAIT NO! I want him to go too!"

"You sure? Cause we could definitely do your surprise right now-"

"Mike no! We can wait!"

"That's what I thought." He smirked. "I'll be there a little later ok?"

"Ok. Bye Mike!"

"Bye Holly."

Mike sighed as he hung up the phone. He wanted to go home. Last summer, Nancy and Mike went home to pack up Mike's things. His dad was really, officially kicking him out because he refused to "stop being gay". So he didn't miss that, but he missed his mom and her love and her cooking. And Holly, he definitely missed Holly so, so much. Until now, he didn't realize how much he missed her stupid little kid babbling every morning as he got ready for school, her constant need for attention from her mom, her love and admiration for his boyfriend, just everything. He couldn't ask for a better little sister, and he missed her so bad. It sucked that Mike didn't get to see her that often now, but how would he survive being all the way in New York?


"Mom, I'm home!" Will announced himself at the door. "Hi honey!" She forced him into a tight hug. "Mom I just saw you before I left this morning!" "I know, I know, but it's like you're all grown up without me even realizing." She started to cry.

"Mom please! I'm literally only 18." Will tried pushing her off.

"But you've got a job, you finally got your license, you're moving out, and you're in a serious relationship already! I mean you two almost never leave each other's side."

"Ok mom I get it, but can I breathe now please?"

"But you're my baby. You're my last one." Joyce pouted. "I just- I feel like I've spent so much time away from you. Away at work, and I'm so sorry."

"If you weren't at work we wouldn't have food in the fridge. Not your fault your husband was a deadbeat." He giggled.

"Will!" She pushed her son.

"What? I'm not lying!" He laughed.

Joyce heavily sighed in a chuckle. "I love the man you've grown to be Will. I feel like I missed so much of it though."

"You didn't Mom. I still have a lot of growing to do, trust me." He smiled down at his mom.


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