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Not proofread. Sorry I had to get this out quickly.

Before Mike pulled off, he reached into his pocket and brought out a cigarette and lighter.

"You don't mind, do you?" Mike rested a hand on Will's thigh.

"Mh-mh." Will shook his head.

Mike lit the cigarette before continuing to drive off. "Love you."

"I'm aware." Will sighed contently as he rested his head on the window.

Mike chuckled, nodding his head as he cracked his window.


"Hey, wake up." Mike shook the sleeping boy.

"Dammit, we're here already?" Will yawned in a groggy voice.

"Come on babe. I'll get all your bags if you hurry up." Mike offered.

"Fine." Will reluctantly stretched and got out of the car. "Who's picking up your car?"

"Johnathan and Nancy are gonna come by and Nancy will drive mine back home."

"Let's hurry up, I need to buy a ticket." Will mentioned.

"I'll buy it for you, don't worry."

"Um Mike... you're not like rich anymore, you know that right? I'm pretty sure your family is still pretty mad at you."

"Yeah, but I don't want you spending your money."

"I'll buy my own ticket sugar daddy." Will rolled his eyes.

"You wish." Mike jokingly pushed him.

The two made it inside of the Indianapolis airport. Will, with only a backpack, and Mike with two suitcases and a duffel bag.

Will walked away to the customer service desk to purchase a ticket to New York City while Mike waited behind.

Pretty soon, Will came back with a disappointed face and ticket in hand.

"What's wrong Will?" Mike turned his head.


"That's what's wrong."

"Oh fuck!" Mike groaned, dropping the bags onto the ground. He made a bit of a scene actually. People started to stop and stare at the two.

"Hey, calm down. It'll be ok." Will rested a hand on Mike's shoulder.

"I'm gonna go ask how long it'll be." Mike huffed.

"Ok, but-" Mike was already storming away. "calm down first..." Will ended up speaking to himself. He couldn't hear the conversation but he could see Mike slamming his fist on the desk before turning back to Will.

There's good ol' rage-full Mike. Will was beginning to wonder where he went.

"What'd they say?" Will asked softly, trying to calm his nerves.

"They said the snowstorm is supposed to last all night. Can't take off until it's over." Mike replied, grabbing all the bags he dropped.

"Come on, let's find somewhere to sit." Will suggested. They found three empty seats near their gate and sat there. "So, what do you wanna do?"

"I don't fucking know. I have to be to work tomorrow!"

"Hey, don't yell at me. The weather wasn't my fault, Michael."

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