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TW: *self-harm and mention of suicide*


Everyone had officially started school by now, and was getting into the swing of things. Of course, Will had to spring for more challenging courses, because he wanted to feel 'accomplished'. It may not have been the best idea though considering he already had a good amount of homework after the first week.

Will still thought he was right about Alex, because they hung out and nothing happened. Whenever Will said that, Mike would add on a quiet little "yet" at the end. He would still claim that Alex liked him. Luke and Lucas of course, were the only ones who knew that it was true, but they didn't want to go and start anything by saying something. Will told Mike that if he was so worried, they could just flat out tell Alex that they were together. Mike insisted that if Will was so right, they wouldn't tell her upright. He thought that not telling her, would be playing with her feelings. So Will planned on saying something today, just in case he was actually wrong.

Will was just getting out of his Art lecture, which was the final one of the day, and started on his way back to his room when Lisa and Alex ran into him.

"Hi Will!" The pair greeted in unison.

"Hey." Will smiled. "What's up?"

"Me and Lisa were thinking about going to the bar again tonight, and we want you to come with us." Alex explained excitedly.

"Oh, uh not tonight guys. I'm sorry." He frowned.

"Aw come on!" Alex wrapped her arms around one of Will's. "It'll be fun, just the three of us! Why don't you wanna go?" She pouted.

His breathing hitched. He didn't want to be rude and push her off though. "I just have a lot of homework to do this weekend. I wanna get started now."

"Please Will?" She dragged out the please.

"Uh- I- I'll think about it." He weakly smiled. "See you."

"Hey Luke." Will greeted, walking into their shared dorm room.

"Hey, how was class? What'd ya draw?" He looked up from his book.

"Nothing today. But he gave us a stupid project though. I have to metaphorically draw the thing that's most important in my life. I don't know what I'm gonna do for this." He slumped onto his bed.

The door suddenly opened slowly.

"Heyyy" Mike grinned.

"MIKE!" Will yelled. We've been over this! You have to knock! What the actual hell man?!"

Mike gasped. "Did you just call me man? Me? The guy who's literally boning you?"

"UH- Guys, I'm still here!" Luke dramatically gagged.

"I just wanted to get a reaction out of you." Will giggled. "But seriously Mike, knock."

"What am I gonna see? You two got something going on that I should be worried about?" He laid next to Will.

"What if I'm not in the room, but Luke is? And he needs like privacy or something?"

Mike didn't say anything.

"Exactly." Will said all high and mighty.

"Exactly." Mike mocked in a squeaky voice.

"I hate you." Will frowned. "Nah, you love me." Mike draped his legs over Will's. "I guess I kinda do." He giggled.

"You two are nauseating." Luke scoffed, getting up from his bed. "I'll be back later, lovebirds." He left the room.

"See Mike, this is why I didn't wanna act like this in front of him." Will said disappointedly. "He's uncomfortable."

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