Chapter 24

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Kalin's POV
"5....6....7.....8," I yelled and watched everyone execute the first move.
"STOP! Your leg is supposed to point to the right not left Carly," I yelled at him.

She looked at me and bursuted into tears before running out the room.
"Already everyone take 5," Myles said.

He pulled me out into the hallway.
"Kalin what the hell was that back there she didn't deserve that," he shouted.
"It's not my fault she doesn't know the difference between left and right yet."

"Okay buddy listen. I want the old Kalin back. I want the Kalin that was positive and happy not this Kalin. This person in front of me is not my best friend, more of a monster actually. So come find me when you find my best friend because I don't want anything to do with this monster."

And with that he was gone. Just like everyone else in my life. Frustrated at myself, I punched a hole in the wall.
"Fuck," I muttered as my hand began to bleed. I slid down to the ground as the tears poured out.

"Are you okay," I heard someone whisper.
"Myles does it look like I'm fucking okay," I spat back.
"It's not Myles,"the person said.

I looked up at it was Jay. All the emotions I felt when I was around her reignited inside of me. I was at lost for words that she was actually in front of me. She grabbed my good hand and pulled me up. Without saying a word, she led me up to the bathroom in our hotel room.
"Jada look at me," I said while she began cleaning my wounds.

She ignored me and continued to tend to my wounds. I pushed her chin up with my good hand. I looked at her hazel eyes and saw all the hate and pain in them.
All that I caused because of that stupid fucking voicemail.

Before I could say anything my phone beeped.
Jake- We need you down here. We're doing a final run through.

I showed Jay they text and she nodded. We walked back to the rehearsal room in silence. The moment she set foot in the room, she was ambushed by my fellow teammates.
"So your back for good," one girl asked.
"Yea I missed you all. Now we need to crush this routine so we can prove the judges why we are reigning champions," she said smiling.
"YEA!" everyone yelled.
They then turned to me.
"Let's crush it," I said smiling.

Jay's POV
"Weren't the Warriors just amazing," the announcer said into the mic causing the crowd to go bananas.
We filed off the stage and into our hotel room.

"Guys I'm honestly hekka proud of that performance. Y'all went hard out there and if the judges don't pick us then they blind. The name of the team exempt from performing next week will be posted in the lobby tomorrow at noon. I love you guys so much. GROUP HUG. EVERYONE IN HERE INCLUDING MOODY KALIN," Myles said.

We all hugged each other then everyone went their separate ways. Soon it was only Kalin and I.

"Can we go for a walk," he asked.
I nodded and grabbed my coat. We walked out the hotel in silence until we reached a bench in the middle of Central Park. We both sat down afraid of what would come next.

"Babe, I mean Jay, I never got to tell you this but I'm so sorry. I jumped way ahead of myself and I should've know you would never cheat on me. All those names I called you on that voicemail aren't true. I mean nothing I said in that voicemail besides the part where I see is in the future. I want us to start a family together Jay. I know it's too early to be thinking about that but I don't care. I just love you so much and the site of you with another man besides me scared me. I changed for you Jay and I'm willing to stay as this changed Kalin if it means I get to be with you. I just want to make you mine, call you my girlfriend, kiss you in public, ALL OF IT. I'm so sorry Jay. Please forgive me, I don't know what I would do without you," Kalin said at once.
I looked in his eyes and saw that he meant every single word.
"I forgive you," I said looking at him.

He looked stunned but overly joyed. He flashed his million dollar smile and leaned into kiss me. Right when our lips were going to connect I turned my face so he kissed my cheek instead.
"I thought you said you forgave me," he said confused.

"I did but I didn't mean we are together or whatever we were before. I can't date or mess around with someone who doesn't trust me. It pains me to think that you thought would go out with someone when we obviously had something going on. If you can't trust me when we aren't dating what are you going to do if we do? Plus that Kalin on the voicemail was a scary side of you that I'm deathly afraid of. As much as I want to, we can't be more than friends Kalin. I'm sorry."

I got up and ran before my heart broke even more from seeing his reaction. Stina and I spoke about this and it seemed like the right decision then but not now.

Kalin's POV
I sat on the bench stunned. Now I know how it feels for your heart to be broken. There's no reason for me to live or breathe if she's not in my arms. It began to rain but I didn't move. I put my head in my hands and cried.

"I'm never getting her back after this."
Hey guys don't hate me too much for this chapter. I'm going to be updating on weekends now because I'm getting closer to finals and graduation and I reallyyyyyy want to be valedictorian. Please keep commenting, voting and sharing with your friends. All comments are hekka appreciated. Also thank you for 10k. Oh and please go check out my other book I'll be updating on there later. Love you guys. K bye. Stay hyphy.

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