Chapter 30

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Jay's POV
It feels so weird waking up in my own bed now. The day after I met Kalin's mom and sister the team and I flew back to the Bay. Now I'm back home with Stina and I kinda miss the dance competition life. I haven't seen Kalin or the team since we got back so I decide to hit Kalin up.

Me- Babe you up?
Kmoov😍💖👫😘- Yea wassup?
Me- Nm I was wondering if you wanted to go to the fair today?
Ksmoov😍💖👫😘- I can't I'm babysitting LaLa today. I'll come over tonight.
Me- Okay I'll just go with the girls. Tell LaLa and your mom I said hi. Love you💖
Ksmoov😍💖👫😘- Love you too

I got out of bed and walked downstairs to where Stina was watching TV.
"Hey it's been a while since we hung out so do you want to have a girls day out," I suggested.
She excitedly jumped up and down and nodded her head.
We both went to our rooms and got dressed for the day. (Imagine however you want them to dress)

We got in my Mercedes and drove to the mall. We literally shopped till we dropped and the trunk is filled with bags to prove.
Stina and I sat in my car contemplating on our next move when I received a text from Myles.

M- Are you with Justina right now?
J- Yea we just finished shopping and are debating on what to do next.
M-Y'all want to bowl? I feel like kicking some ass today😏
J-Oh really Parrish it's on. We're on our way.
M- We should do a couples battle so invite Ksmoov as well. You know he never turns down a competition.
J-Okay get ready too lose YBM.
M- Ha okay Jsmoov. Meet at 7:30.
J- K we are on our way.

I showed Justina the texts and we pulled off. I turned the Bluetooth on my phone on and called Kalin. He picked up and his voice boomed through the car.

"Hello," he said.
"Hey babe how's babysitting going," I asked.
"You know with LaLa," I said confused at why he forgot.
"Oh yea sorry I don't consider it babysitting that much anymore it's more sibling bonding."

I was greatly confused because he had called it babysitting this morning but I let it slide.

"Oh okay. Well Myles challenged us to a couples bowling tournament so we are meeting at the bowling alley at 7:30."
"I don't think I can make it Jay."
"Why not just bring LaLa?"
"No she's sick and my mom isn't home so I have to stay with her."
"Oh okay," I say the disappointment evident in my voice.

"Kalinnnnn," I heard a female voice say in the background.
I turned to Stina and she looked at me with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry babe I got to go. I'll come over later tonight when my mom gets back. I love you," he said then hung up.

"Jay I know you, don't jump to conclusions that was probably LaLa asking for some more soup or something," Stina said worriedly.

"It's okay I trust Kalin he would never cheat on me after all we've been through. He's changed but if he ever did I don't think I would've be able to forgive him," I sighed.

We pulled up to the bowling alley were Myles was sitting with our bowling shoes, bowling balls and the game ready to go.

"Hey where's your other half," he said to me.
"He's stuck babysitting LaLa, she's sick," I explained.
"Really? I saw her yesterday and she likens fine. She must've slept with the A/C on after we went in the pool," Myles says shrugging.
"Well since he's not here we can play as individuals. Either way I'm still going to kick your butt," he said smirking.
"Let's go love birds," I said to Justina and Myles who were now making out.

*after bowling------ at the girls' house*
The doorbell rang and I ran to get it. I opened the door and revealed Kalin. We walked into the living room where the other couple was.

"Bro you missed it. Your girlfriend was beast at the bowling alley. She kept getting strike after strike," Myles stated impressed.
"She learned from the best," he said kissing my forehead causing me to smile.

He stood up and pulled me up with him. He interlocked our fingers and pulled me towards my room. He laid down on my bed and I proceed to lay next to him and cuddled into his chest.

"Kalin you smell like perfume," I stated looking at him.
"Uh LaLa sprayed me with perfume when we were playing princess," he stuttered.
"But I thought she was sick," I said sitting up.
"Jesus Christ Jay can you stop with the fucking questions god dam so fucking nosy," he said getting up clearly annoyed.

I was taken back. Why was he so defensive with me asking questions? Was he hiding something?

"I'm sorry babe I didn't mean say that I'm just stressed from today," he came back kissing me.

The kiss soon turned into a make out session. He lowered me back onto the bed and soon got on top of me. His mouth trailed kisses down my neck causing me to let out a soft moan. I pulled him back up and hungrily attacked his lips again. His hands felt around my pants and struggled with my zips.

I woke up to my senses and pushed him away. Kalin looked at me with a confused look and tried again to take off my pants but I stopped him.
"Jay what's wrong?"
"Kalin were moving to fast. We just got together and I'm not ready to have sex with you yet," I said nervously.

I studied his face and saw him register what he said.
"What the hell Jay I said I loved you," he said.
"So you think saying I love you is going to let you get in my pants," I shouted.
"Oh my gosh stop being so dam selfish. You have to realize I had needs that need to be fulfilled."
"So go find someone to satisfy those needs Kalin," I said annoyed.
"Who says I already haven't," he said getting his stuff and walking out.

I sat there in disbelief. I walked out to my balcony and sat there staring into the night. I watched him walk to his car and drive away.

Something was up with Kalin.
That little trust I had in him was starting to fade away
I just hope he's not returning to his old ways.
Hey guys I'm back! I've got something cooking that will be revealed very soon so keep reading. Once again I will only be updating on the weekends because of my busy schedule during the week. But question for you guys, do you want me to end this book or have a sequel? Thank you so much for 15k and shoutout to the boys one time for the one time they both have finally tweeted me on twitter. Bless Bless. Stay hyphy. Love you guys. K bye.

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