Chapter 26

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Jay's POV
Lucas and I pulled up to the Empire State Building. We rode the elevator up to the top floor and out we walked to an expensive French restaurant. I let go of his hand and walked over to the balcony. Down before me the city was illuminated in millions of lights making it breathtaking.

"It's so beautiful," I whispered in awe.
"Just like you," Lucas purred while snaking his arms around my waist and kissing my cheek.

I blushed at the contact of his soft lips against my cheek. He interlaced out fingers and led us to our table. There were about 5-6 other couples sitting around us. He pulled my chair out for me and I sat.

Our waiter arrived and we ordered our meals. The waiter left and an awkward silence fell upon us.
"So what's the deal with you and that Kalin guy," he randomly asked.
"Uh it's complicated," I said uncomfortably.
"Well are you guys dating?"
"No," I said.
"But I wish we were," I muttered.

"Great," he said smiling, "now I can have you all to myself."

*1 hour later*
Can someone come shoot me right now. For the past hour Lucas has been talking about his life and HIS career and HIS dreams. But not once has he asked about me since we discussed Kalin. I really want to leave.

"I'm fine thanks for asking," I said interrupting his rant about his dog.
"But I didn't ask," he chuckled.
"Exactly Lucas. I know you probably think that we could get back together but I'm sorry we can't," I said standing up.

I began to walk towards the elevators when I heard footsteps behind me get louder.
"It's because of that Kalin guy isn't it," Lucas growled.

"I still have feelings for him and I can't move on," I sighed.

Suddenly I was pinned against the wall. Lucas' hands were wrapped tight against my throat cutting off my oxygen.

"If I can't have you than no one can," he said as his grip tightened.

I squirmed around trying to break free. I finally was able to kick him on his knee. He had injured it back in high school on a hiking trip and had never gone to get it fixed. I ran towards the stairwell. I frantically speed dialed the first person in my emergency contacts.

Kalin's POV
I was in the club with the boys. We decided to go and celebrate the week off. I sat in the booth and watched my fellow teammates tear up the dance floor.

I wanted to go join them but my mind was too clouded with the thoughts of her. I told her to move on and that's exactly what she did.

" You look like you need to get your mind off things."

I followed the source of the voice to a gorgeous girl. She held out her hand and I gradually accepted. She pulled me to the middle of the dance floor and began grinding on me. My teammates erupted in cheers at the sight of me.
"Get it Kalin," I heard someone yell.

The girl began to yike on me and boy was I in heaven. My heavenly state was interrupted when my phone began to buzz. I pulled it out far enough to see who it was.

It was Jay.

I quickly left the dance floor and hurried outside.
"Hello," I said.
"Kalin I need you to come get me. Lucas is trying to kill me," she said scared.
"Your over exaggerating. A date can't be that bad," I said chuckling.

"Oh sweet Jada. Come out wherever you are. Let me finish what I started or you can just date me," a voice said in the background.

"Shit he's coming. I'll text you." And just like that she was gone.
I quickly shot her a text.

K- Where are you?
J- Empire State Building. Im hiding in a vent on the 92nd floor. Please hurry come get me.
K- I'm on my way let me get the boys.

I ran back in the club and the girl immediately reappeared.
"Let's take this to my hotel room," she softly whispered.
"No fuck off," I said pushing past her.

I grabbed Myles and told him. He told me to go and he would round up the crew and follow after. I ran and got in a cab. It sped down to the Empire State Building and I threw a $100 at the driver.

I raced up the stairs to the 92nd floor (thank god for my long legs and for being athletic) I reached the top and was out of breath.

"It's so nice seeing you here Kalin," Lucas said emerging from the shadows.

He soon charged at me and stuck a knife in my stomach. A rush of adrenaline pumped through my veins. I punched his face and continued to until he was unconscious on the ground.

"Jay," I croaked, "you can come out now."

She crawled out from a vent next to me and gasped. My whole abdomen was covered in red. I pulled out the knife and fell to my knees. She called 911 as I began to fade in and out of consciousness.

I pulled her face down to mine and connected our lips one last time.
"Kalin don't leave me. I need you Kalin. I love you too much to live with out you please stay," she desperately said.
"I love you," I whispered before my eyes shut and I was plunged into darkness.
SURPRISE I UPDATED BEFORE I SAID I WOULD. Well I wrote this chapter after I finished my final exam so I said why not publish it on the weekend. But first I have some bad news. I didn't get valedictorian my best friend did. She beat me out by .10 so I got salutatorian instead which is like second highest in the class. Second my phone broke at a party the other night and I lost all my photos and numbers so if you had my number before could you please text me with your name lol. But next update will be next week bc I have a 10 page term paper due Monday and I only have a title. Love you guys and stay hyphy. K bye.

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