Chapter 4 (couch)

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Well I'm posting mupitle chapters a day soooo yeaaaaah





Cuss words


Lightbulb's pov:

"Jonny no don't leave me" "I'm sorry my love but I have to" "but you're gonna die if you go out there" "goodbye my love" "nooooooooo" man this is a dramatic movie I've watched 4 movies and none of are good ughh I heard the door open I look over and see... PAINTY! "Hey lightbulb I'm done painting for now" they said sounding like they were about to pass out "YOU WILL NEVER BEAT ME HAHAHA" "what the hell are you watching.." "hey I was bored" I said trying to make excuse "surrreee" "you wanna watch the trashy movie with me?" "Sure I have nothing better to do" "what about sleep? You sound tired" I said pointing out the sleepyness I heard in there voice " I'm fine-e lightbulb" "oooookkkkk ...... let's watch the movie now"

30 minutes later

"Your a true monster I hope you die down there" "AHHHHHHHHHHHH" the movie still sucks I looked over at painty to see their reaction to the terrible movie but they fell asleep "painty?" Yep there asleep i knew they sound tired "paintyyyyyyyyy" I tried to wake them up then I saw a tear forming in their eye.. are they ... having a nightmare "painty wake up" I was shaking them to get them to wake up but it didn't work "Painty... Wake Up" tears started to roll down their face "PAINTY WAKE UP" I yelled but it didn't work... "p-please wake up.... painty" heavy breathing could be herd from paintbrush more tears forming they were crying I-i didn't wanna s-see them like t-this I couldn't see them like this "PAINTY PLEASE WAKE UP" god this hurt me so much to watch them.. cry a-and I can't do ANYTHING about it.. I started to cry with them then I heard a gasp they were awake heavy breathing but awake... I hugged them "PAINTY YOUR AWAKE" I was still crying and holding on to them "wha-..." they put their hand on my head tears still forming and going down my face... they started to rub my head it calmed me down a bit "oh god...."       "y-you were h-having a n-night m-mare a-and I...." "hey it's okay lightbulb you can't control my nightmares" "I know I j-just" they hugged me I calmed down.. "I love you Jonny..." "i love you too my love" "I think know the main source of my nightmare.." they pointed at the tv I chuckled a little bit 

"I love you Jonny (;" "fuck you too(;" ":C"

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