Chapter 19 (stupid)

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Hahahahaha the title is based off of me





and MORE


Test tubes pov:

"So uh-.. do you know why paintbrush hurt them self..?" Fan asks me with a face of worry.. 'sigh' "sadly no.. that's the one thing we're trying to figure out.." I answer looking over at fan.. "oh.. well do you have a way to stop them when they wake up..?" 

"Well I do have one idea.. but if it doesn't work or lightbulb doesn't agree then paintbrush might die from blood loss-.." I stop realizing my mistake.. "...test tube...?" "shit SHIT!" I yell quickly grabbing a first aid kit.. 

"uh test tube!? Are You Okay!?" "I FORGOT TO WRAP THE BANDAGES AROUND PAINTBRUSH'S WOUND!" I yell grabbing my keycard and opening the door.. "uh- but that's not THAT bad... right?" "Fan Without The Fucking Bandages Paintbrush Might Die!!"

Lightbulbs pov:

..why them..? Why did.. whatever happened making painty hurt them self.. why did it have to happen to them? They don't deserve this.. and what if they- 'THUD' I hear a loud noise from behind me.. what the fuck was that!? "Ow fuck" I hear who I think is test tube behind the door..

"Are You Okay Test tube!?" I think I hear fan ask her "yeah thanks.."

Then the door opens and test tube rush's over to painty with a first aid kit in her hands.. "why do you have a first aid kit..?" "..I'm stupid and forgot to put the bandages on paintbrush's cuts.."


247 words

"Cut" an inanimate insanity Fanfiction auWhere stories live. Discover now