Chapter 11 (Ahem) part 1

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2 hours later

Fans pov:

"You sure your ok test tube?" "I'll be fine fan.." test tube told me sick of me asking "hey fan didn't you have something to ask paintbrush? I'm sure their awake now..." "oh yeah I should try calling now" I pull out my phone and call them 'ring ring' "...." we stair at each other awkwardly  'ring ri-' "what" I heard paintbrush on the other side "hey painty I need to ask you something.." I saw test tube face palm at the nickname "ok first off don't call me that-" "but lightbulb calls you that" i say cutting them off "and? Your not lightbulb are you?" "If I said I am?" I say with a smirk on face and test tube shaking her head "then I'd know your lying because she's right here watching tv" "oh uhh HI LIGHTBULB" "HEY FLAT FACE" sounds like lightbulb is there too "ok anywayyy yesterday I was looking though pictures of us four and I noticed a crack on the back of your head and just wondering what it was from.." "......." "paintbrush....?"  pull my phone off my ear and noticed that I wasn't in the call anymore ...did they just hang up on me.. "did they hang up?" Test  tube asked probably knowing that this would happened. without answering her I tried to call again..'ring ri-' they hong up again 

Lightbulb's pov:

"Why'd you hang up painty?" "....I need to the bathroom" they told me then got up and went to the living room bathroom...ok somethings up "jonnnnnny nooooooo"  I turn the volume on the tv down and think.... if what painty h-hurts them selves a-again.. no they wouldn't.. plus i-if they did.. wouldn't it be under the s-scarf.. or they would at least h-hide it.....I've been with them almost all day and no no...maybe I'll text fan and ask about the crack

Lb: heya flat face

F: can stop u calling me that

Lb: nah

Lb: anyway

Lb: what crack are u talking about?

F: on the back of their head I saw it yesterday 

F: here I'll send u a pic



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F: if you zoom I to their head u can see it

F: *in

Lb: I see it

Lb: is that the pic where we didn't let you join the photo 

F: yea ):

Lb: (:<

F: that cack has been there sense ep 1 season 1

F: *crack

Lb: bye fuck face👋


 I put my phone down relived that it wasn't from today or yesterday.. why would they be so sensitive about a crack.... I hear a flush from the bathroom and the door open.."hey painty.."   "hey lightbulb.." they walk over to the couch and sit down next to me. They kiss me on the cheek and we finished the movie...

32 minutes and 48 seconds later

"Wow that movie absolutely sucked" "says the one picking all the terrible movies" "shhhh" i put my finger over their lips to shush and then we hear a knock at the door 'knock knock knock' "hello?" I hear fan on the other side of the door "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FLAT FUCK" "oooooooooooh" "HEY- I'm just here to check up on you plus test tube is sick of me asking if she's ok-" "wait what happened to test tube" "....hmmm I'll tell you if you let me in" "fine" fan opens the door and walks in he then saw painty's arm around me "ohh what's happening here" they blush and put their arm down "..nothing"  "uh huh sureeee" "Just tell us about test tube" painty said getting frustrated at fan "ok ok fine.. so she was fixing her time machine and when she finished she tried it out to make sure it worked and when she did the machine explosived and cracked her eye.."  "oh..oh no" "is she ok?" Painty asked him "yeah she's ok.." "good testy should take a break from doing experiments" "yeahhh I'm going to leave now" fan said he looked like he was planning something "yeah leave with your suspicions looking ass" painty told him. fan then left right after... "something's up"......

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