Chapter 13 (again)

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Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hive five? 🤚 








Paintbrush's Pov:

...I put the knife back in the drawer..there's blood everywhere.. I wrap some bandages on my neck and then I put the scarf back on.. lightbulb wouldn't like this but she won't find out..

I clean up the blood leaving no blood behind at all.. once I finished I leave the bathroom and go to the living room... lightbulb can't  find out...

An hour later

Lightbulb's pov:

'YAWWWWWWWWWWWWNN'  I wake up "man that's the longest I've slept yet" I told myself proud- get up and go to Baxter's cage to check up on him "heya little crab buddy" 'snap snap' I slime and pick him up out of the cage 'snap snap' "wanna go check up on painty!" 'snap' "I'll take that as a yes" I put Baxter on my head and walk towards the door I open it and head down stairs to see painty sleeping on the couch I walk up to them and shake them to wake them up.. no response I shake them a little bit more.. no response "PAINTYYYYYYY" I yelled.. still no response... i shake them hard and yell louder "PAINTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY WAKE UP" ...nothing..I became worried and I check their pulse... their still alive that's good but why won't they wake up...? I keep shaking them in hopes that they wake up but I got nothing.. after a while I give up 'snap snap' "what?! no your not pinching them" I said kinda stressed out. I pull out my phone and call test tube "come on pick up" I said worried about my lover "I-I'm sorry- shit uhh I'm busy please leave a message afHHHH- FAN PUT THAT DOWN- LEAVE A MESSAGE AFTER THE BEEEEEE-" 'beep' it went to voice mail.. damnit I text test tube in hopes she will answer..

Lb: hey test tube painty won't wake up I checked their pulse and they are still alive but they won't respond... idk what's wrong can u help me?

Tt: I'm sorry lightbulb but I'm busy they are properly just ignoring you!

Lb: no I know when they are sleep and their sleeping 

Tt: lightbulb How do you know their asleep they could just be a really good fake sleeper.

Lb: can u pls just hlep me on this plssss😖

Lb: *help

Tt: fine I'll help you.


Tt: be there at 5:00

Lb: what time is it?

Tt: 4:50

Lb: ok see u !! 😊

Ten minutes later

'Knock knock knock knock knock' oh is that her!? I walk up to the door and see test tube standing there "heya testy" I say letting her in "where are they?" She asked me "on the couch" I say pointing over to the couch she walks over to them and I could tell by her facial expression that something was off... "what's wrong?"  "By the way their laying down it looks like they passed out" she told me "anddd?" I asked confused "lightbulb their not taking a nap they got knocked out by something or someone by the looks of it.. it was either blood loss or exhaustion or maybe even both!" Blood loss or exhaustion.... but why would they pass out from-............... no no no no they wouldn't r-right.. they wouldn't hurt themselves again r-right "lightbulb?"  "Take the scarf off..."  "what?"  "J-Just take their scarf off" she looked at me confused but then she took the scarf to review all the cuts including what looked like a couple new ones "what the hell.." test tube said setting the scarf on the coffee table.. " no no no they said they wouldn't do this anymore!?"  "Lightbulb what do mean they said wouldn't do this anymore.....?"  "T-They cut themselves.. I don't why they do it but all I know is they do.." test tube was surprised by my answer and covered her mouth "o-oh god" test tube looked over at them "i need to take them to my lab to heal..." she said looking back at me still surprised I felt a tear roll down my cheek and wiped it off.. everything was so happy and we were laughing b-but they still did this why...they told me they would tell me about it tomorrow...but..

"O-Okay" I said trying not to break down and cry in front of her "I have to go get a stretcher from my lab I'll be right back" ....I heard her open the door and then close it... 

I go over to painty and sit beside them crying "I-I'm sorry"

Test tubes pov:

.. so paintbrush cuts themselves.. they really don't seem like the type of person to do that.. g-god I type the passcode in to the vending machine and the tube sucks me up (ayo-)

'THUD' I get up off the floor and walk right pass fan "hey test- never mind then.." I walk to the healing part of the lab

Fans pov:

That was rude- she looked serious like something really bad happened... I look over at her phone wich she forgot when she went to Lightbulb's and paintbrush's house... they need a couple name hmm paintblub? Nah- lightbrush- yep that's the one- went to lightbrushs house- I chuckle at the name what was I thinking about... oh yeah i look over at her phone.. it wouldn't hurt to go though it- I walk over the phone and pick it up.. PASSWORD: 

I type the obvious password she would choose.. SCIENCE RULES- I'm in let's see email no Wattpad no (tinder-/J) ah here it is the texting app. I click on it and it sends me to all the people she texted there's I see lightbulbs and click on it I read the texts and I am now confused I hear test tubes foot steps and something rolling behind her I quickly hind the phone behind me and wait for her to leave when she walked by I saw a stretcher behind her.. wait.. when she leaves I pull her phone back out and read.. paintbrush is asleep and won't wake up.. test tube seemed very serious and she has a stretcher.. what the fuck happened to paintbrush..


"Cut" an inanimate insanity Fanfiction auWhere stories live. Discover now