Chapter 12 (talk)

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Lightbulb's pov:

"Wait- wha"  "you heard me paper boy" Painty said pissed at the fact that fan told test tube

2 hours later (because yeah)

We were talking me and painty just the two of us... "painty I know this is random but.. we need to talk about the whole... you h-hurting yourself thing" I said caring for my frien-.. caring for my partner "......I-I don't wanna talk about it.." they said to me looking away.. I put my hand on their face making them blush a bit and turned their face to look at me still not taking my hand of their head "painty please.. I need to know why you did it" they had a worried face "......" 'sigh' they sighed "painty you can tell me anything.." I take my hand off their face and put on their shoulder "please..."  "its a stupid r-reason..." they said putting their hand on their head "then why did you hurt yourself if it's stupid" I asked them "I-I.....can we talk about this l-later"  " we need to talk about this.." I scooted closer to them "please painty..." I take my other hand and put on theirs "...lightbulb.. tomorrow... I'll answer your questions tomorrow just not right now.. please.."  "f-fine But promise me we will talk about this tomorrow"  "I promise lightbulb" I hug them 

Paintbrush's pov:

She hugged me and after a while she finally let go.. "I love you painty" 'sigh' I sighed and smiled at her "I love you too lightbulb" she let go of me "you better" she said trying to

Brighten the mood  (knee slap) 

I laughed at her "what so funny" (I dunno maybe the pun I just came up with-/J) "nothing" I said looking away "uh huh next thing tell me is chairs aren't edible-"  "what"  "huh?"  "Lightbulb are you eating chairs-"  "maybe.." 'snap snap' I heard a snapping noise behind me.. it was Baxter "Baxter!" Lightbulb yelled picking him up 'snap snap' "ohhhhh" lightbulb said some how talking to Baxter "what did he say?" I asked her "he's hungry" lightbulb said walking over to the fridge and getting some crab food out grass flavored (idk anymore) she walked back over with Baxter on her head and she set the crab food on the table then she put Baxter on the table. He immediately walked over to the food and stared to eat it when he was done he crawled up to lightbulb and fell asleep "he fell asleep fast" I said "hey he had hard day-"  "of what? Roaming around in his cage-"  "exactly" I smiled dumb words "I'm gonna go put Baxter in his cage and then take a nap I'm sleepy" she told me pointing over to her room "what? you napping?" I said I a sarcastic tone "once in a life time- do you wanna join me for the rare nap that I'm taking painty"  "nah I'll use the rare opportunity to relax" I said then laying down on the couch "mkay night painty" she skipped over to her room "good night then" .........I waited in till I thought she was asleep and went to my bathroom..

We didn't get rid of the knife..

Oh shit what is painty gonna do- 537 words-

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