Chapter 8 (kiss)

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SHIPS (duh)


Paintbrush's pov:

The whole match making has made almost all mine and Lightbulb's interactions awkward a few hours ago when we were walking home i held her hand and my face was burning.. literary.. it kinda hurt- I mean I l-love her but.. she probably doesn't love me back.. 'knock knock' "what?" I said sounding ruder then I meant to "uhh c-can I come I-in" she sounds nervous.. "yeah" she opened the door.. "what do you need..?" "Uhhhh I-I need to t-tell you something..." ..I wonder what it is? "Ok? What is it" "uhh c-can you s-stand up r-real q-quick" "okaay" I said then standing up after.. she then walked closer to me.. she grabbed my hands.. I blushed.. then she put her hands on my face... my face was burning it felt like my head was melting and then she-........ she k-kissed me I-I.. she pulled away and stared at me d-did that j-just h-happen... d-does s-she... she let go of me and ran I stayed in the same spot...does she like me back?

Lightbulb's pov:

OMGA I CANT BELIEVE I JUST DID THAT- I ran to my room.. d-did I really just k-kissed painty... oh god w-what if they h-hate me what if they don't wanna be friends anymore w-what if "LIGHTBULB" .....I start to cry just the thought of it........ 'knock knock' "LIGHTBULB"  I wanna stay with them forever just thinking of them leaving because of one stupid thing I did- "LIGHTBULB" I snap back into reality "LIGHTBULB IM COMING IN" .....w-what if-.... they open the         door I cover my face to hide the tears they walk closer.. all the things that happened.. the             c-cutting.. the show "oh god lightbulb are you okay......" "I-I'm s-sorry" I need them I need to apologize "for what?" "...f-for kissing you.." I don't want them to go I can't have go... "lightbulb... d-do you..." I need them.. but i don't know how to answer.. do I say yes?.."y-yes.... please don't hate me..." ...I'm stupid their gonna hate me no matter what.... I lost them... I hate myself      "hate you? Lightbulb I love you too.." they kissed my cheek "y-you do!?" "Of course I do" I-I can't believe this they like me back I-I.. I start to cry "lightbulb!?!? Are you okay!?" They ask putting their hand on my face making me blush a bit "y-yeah" i pull them in for a hug "AH-" we were both on my bed i was still holding on to painty i giggled a bit at their reaction.. "so does that mean we're a c-couple..." I ask our faces inch's away "I guess it does.." we kiss one more time till we both fall asleep on my bed cuddling 


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