Chapter 16 (hurt themselves)

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NEEDLES (or needys-)

and MORE


Fans pov:

So is paintbrush hurt? I saw what looked like Paintbrush on a stretcher... it looked really blood too.. what if they were attacked!? Maybe I should go ask Test tube and lightbulb...

I get up and rush to the hospital room thingy.. I mean if paintbrush is hurt then they're probably in a room with lots of medical stuff! Once I get their I notice that the door is close and I can hear talking from the inside..

"s-so what you telling me is that painty could.. d-die because of this!?" I hear lightbulb ask someone "I-I..... golly there's a strong chance.. I mean look at all the blood they lost..!" I hear who I assume is test tube.. so paintbrush is hurt.. and they lost a lot of blood.. and they could.. d-die.. "so lightbulb do you know the reason why they-..." she pauses..

"hurt themselves"

W-What!? They Hurt Themselves!? W-Why!? This Doesn't Make Any Sense! Why Would Paintbrush Of All People HURT THEMSELVES!?!? 

And how long has it been going on for..?

 Damn I didn't expect that I would make a new chapter for "Cut" as well 

Also 200 words I know it's short

"Cut" an inanimate insanity Fanfiction auWhere stories live. Discover now