Chapter 17 (one solution)

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Idk what to write so I'm just gonna shut up







and MORE


Lightbulbs pov:

"so lightbulb do you know the reason why they-..." Test tube pauses.. 

"hurt themselves" she asks me with a face confusion and worry.. 'beep' I only look away and shake my head.. "o-oh.. 'sigh' well did you ask them about it at all?" "y-yes.." "well what did they say..?" She asks me walking a little closer to me.. 'beep' "That they would tell me l-later.." I reply looking away.. "when-.... if painty wakes up 'beep' do know if there's a way to stop them from.. c-cutting themselves again..?" I ask putting my hand on their metal rim thingy.. 'beep'

"Well I can think of one solution.." Test tube says pushing her glasses up.. 'beep' wait she has glasses?

"But thing is we would have to-" 


We hear a small thud.. 'beep' test tube quickly opened the door and found the culprit.. fan was on the floor with a very panicked and worried look on his face.. "Fan! What Are You Doing On The Floor!?" Test tube asks helping him stand up.. "I heard e-everything!" Fan shouts clinging onto test tubes arm.. "what..?" Test tube looks at fan with confused look.. "a-about paintbrush..! A-and that they h-hurt themself..!" Fan says looking up at test tube.. "that's nice and all but paintys  in a coma!! And they could die..!" I shout trying to get their attention.. 

Test tubes pov:

"Right..! Sorry.." I apologize rushing back over to paintbrush.. once fan saw paintbrush's many cuts and the blood leaking onto the table his face changed from worry to absolute horror..

"OH FUCK-.. HOW THE HELL DID THEY DO THIS!?.. and why..?" Fan asks us shouting at the beginning..

?" Fan asks us shouting at the beginning

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"Well we don't really know why.. but we do know how.." I reply looking down at paintbrush.. "Well the how the fuck did they do this!?" "Simple.. a knife to cut and a scarf to cover those cuts" I answer trying my best to act calm even though there's no reason to act calm..

"Oh.. oh god" fan gags "gah- I need to- u-ugh- vomit" he says turning around and puking all over the floor probably due the sight of the blood and how deep the cut were..

"Agh-" 'COUGH COUGH' "ughh.. s-sorry" 'sigh' "it's fine fan.."

401 words- and a drawing

"Cut" an inanimate insanity Fanfiction auWhere stories live. Discover now