Chapter 7 (match making)

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Yea you saw that right-







Test tubes pov:

Pffff these two's faces when they see this "were almost there" I said unlocking a door "all we have to do is get to the end of this hall" lightbulb started to run "be careful lightbulb fan just mopped in here" I said making sure she doesn't trip and shatter "PFFFF- WHY IS FAN MOPPING YOUR LAB" "fan did something and I took his phone away i order to get it he my whole lab" I said looking back at fan who was very embarrass by my answer paintbrush started to laugh at him which embarrass fan even more then I heard a 'THUD' ....I looked back at lightbulb who was on the ground "LIGHTBULB" paintbrush ran towards the fallen object "ughh immmm finnnneee" lightbulb said getting up and reviewing some cracks that went't There 5 seconds ago "I told you to be careful" I said walking over to her "fan go get some medical supplies" he nodded and fast walked over there so he wouldn't trip too "seriously lightbulb!?!" Paintbrush said bending over to make sure she's fine "hey in my defense the floors are a lot slippery then I thought" she said not getting up "IM BACK" fan ran back in the room and tripped "WOAAA" fan scream as he was flying though the air he landed on his back "IM FINE" he said putting a thumb up "god what part of "don't run the floor is slippery" do you not understand?!" I mumbled to myself. he got and rushed over to lightbulb thankfully he was paper which means he was unharmed from the fall. He gave me the supplies and I started to disinfect to wound once I was done I wrapped some bandages around her head "okay that should be good for now" I said helping her up "thank you tube!" "Tube?" I asked cutting her off "Yeah it's a new nickname!" I chuckled and looked back paintbrush was extremely jealous, fan looked like he saw it too he was laughing at them.. "okay can we go see what the thing is nowwwww" "of course just this way" we walked a little further then I unlocked the door to review a huge machine  "Woahhhhhhhh WHAT DOES IT DO" lightbulb asked me "well... it's a match making machine!" "W h a t" "yep you heard me right" "cooool but why would you make a huge machine for something that tinder can do for me?" "Well because this is scientifically accurate!" I answered Lightbulb's question with a answer that can solve every thing "for example.. fan and paintbrush put your hands on the scanner!" Fan and paintbrush did exactly that 'beeeeeeeeeep' a number showed up.. 10% "ha loser" lightbulb made fun of fan "now lightbulb how about you try with paintbrush?" They both blushed.. she walked up to the machine and put her hand on the scanner 'beeeeeeeeeep' a new number showed up... 100% they both blushed.. hard.. their faces where deep red "a match in heaven-" fan blurted out till paintbrush gave him a death glare "UHHH WE SHOULD DO SOMETHING ELSE LIKKKEEEE UHHH BEAT UP FAN" lightbulb yelled trying to change the subject "wait wha-" fan said running behind me for self defense "now that I can do-" paintbrush said face still deep red they walked towards me "now hand over fan don't make this a firey and leafy moment-" I handed over fan not wanting to be shattered "wha- TEST TUBE YOU BETRAYED MEEEEE"

an hour later

"bye lightbulb.. bye paintbrush"  "see ya test tube" "by-" they were cut off by the big gray tube sucking them up (ayo-) "I miss them already" I say as look back at fan who was sitting on a couch that I stole from hotel oj (He hAs TOo mANy cOUchS OKaY!?) "yep I just miss them so sadddd just the saddest.."


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Lightbulb's pov:

Me and painty were walking home I was still thinking about the match making.. was it really true? I have had a crush on painty for a long time now....I was thinking till paintbrush grabbed my hand.. I blush so do they "....y-you usually g-grab my h-hand by n-now.." they blush even more d-do they like me back?


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