Chapter 15 (okay)

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I'll write some funny joke here later 





and MORE


Test tubes pov:

I rush into the their house.. quickly but carefully picking up paintbrush and setting them on the stretcher.."w-will they be okay!?" Lightbulb asks running up to me.. "I-... don't know yet.." I whisper looking away.. Lightbulb was obviously very worried about her friend- wait partner..? did those two officially get together yet? Whatever that doesn't matter right now..

"I'm going to bring them to the lab!... Okay?" I say pulling the stretcher out of the house "oh.. Can I Come!?" She asks with worry written all over her face.. "of course.."

Fans pov:

What happened.. what could happen.. what if it had something to do with the crack on paintbrush's head that I found.. how did they even get it!? What if I'm just overreacting.. it could be nothing.. I hate not knowing these type of things.. I sludge back in the couch (still stolen from Hotel OJ)

Then I hear what sounds like a metal thing clanging against the floor

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Then I hear what sounds like a metal thing clanging against the floor.. then I hear two thuds after.. that must be test tube and the stretcher.. maybe paintbrush.. and maybe lightbulb..

The next thing I see is test tube rushing down the hall with lightbulb behind and maybe paintbrush on the stretcher.. I couldn't tell it was all just a blur.. 

 3rd person:

Test tube rush's down the hall with lightbulb following close and paintbrush on the stretcher..

Once she reaches the medical room she grabs paintbrush off the stretcher and puts them on the table hooking them up to a heartbeat monitor (IDK WHAT ITS CALLED) 

Once she reaches the medical room she grabs paintbrush off the stretcher and puts them on the table hooking them up to a heartbeat monitor (IDK WHAT ITS CALLED) 

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'Beep' "what's that machine hooked up to painty for!? And why is it making a beeping noise?" Lightbulb asks test tube walking up to her unconscious partner..

"It's a heart monitor! And it tracks their pulse/heartbeat!"

"Oh.. what happens when they.. d-die..?" Lightbulb asks her science friend with a lot of concerned... "well the machine makes a long beeping noise like.. Beeeeeeeeeee" Test tube replies demonstrating the noise.. "One more question... do you think they will survive this..?"


"t-test tube...?"

I'm gonna start working on the next chapter right away

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