Chapter 1 (a nightmare) !REWRITE!

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Ayyyy it's a rewrite-





PAIN (I'm just gonna add this as warning on every chapter with.. well.. pain-)

and MORE


Lightbulb's pov:

I woke up to scream that sounded like it came from Painty's room.. I quickly get up out of bed and rush to Painty's room.. I wonder what happened.. I hope their okay..! 

Once I get to their bedroom I knock on their door.. "hello? Painty are you alright!?" I ask knocking once again.. "....y-yeah.." they answer pausing at the start.. "a-are you sure?" I ask worried for my friend.. they sigh "y-yes.. I'm f-fine.."

...I didn't believe them.. but they sounded tired so I decided to leave them alone to get some sleep.. "okayyy... I'm gonna go back to my room..!" I say skipping off to my room.. I wonder what happened..


Paintbrush's pov:

I wait till Lightbulb's footsteps fade away and start to walk to the bathroom.. (just so you know they both have a separate bathrooms) I close the bathroom door and open the drawer.. I move away a hair clip container and a couple ponytails grabbing a knife, taking my scarf off and putting it close to my neck.. 

that d-dream.. it.. it f-felt so.. r-real.. the pain.. the blood.. the screams.. it was just like a memory.. it felt like a.. memory.. it felt like.. I was.. there.. like I could smell the alcohol.. 

I felt tears running down my cheeks as I press the knife closer.. I had been cutting myself since I was about 8 or 12.. I don't remember.. I'm surprised I'm even still alive.. I should have died due to all the blood I've lost.. I slowly cut my neck making sure I feel the pain.. once I was done I put the knife back and start to clean all the blood.. maybe I'll draw something..

303 words😎

"Cut" an inanimate insanity Fanfiction auWhere stories live. Discover now