Chapter 21 (dizzy)

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and MORE


30 minutes later

Lightbulb's pov:

"Painty please just tell me why you cut yourself again!!" I yell putting my hands on their shoulders.. "I don't w-wanna" they whisper looking away.. "you avoided this question long enough painty!! Just tell me..!" "n-no" they whisper quieter then before.. then I noticed how pale painty's face was.. "a-are you okay painty...?" I ask worried for them.. "...y-yeah... I just feel a l-little.. lightheaded.." "maybe I should get Test tube real quick.." I say getting up from my spot and walking towards the door "I'll be right back.. okay..?" I say looking back at them.. they nod in response..

I open the door with a keycard Test tube gave me and start running to where I think Test tube is..

Test tube's pov:

I sit on the couch that I may have stole from hotel OJ.. then I hear footsteps going down the hall "TEST TUBE!!" I hear lightbulb yell in the halls of my lab... and before I knew it lightbulb bursted into the room with a worried expression on her face.. "TEST TUBBEEE" she yells panting from the run.. "yes lightbulb..?" I ask getting up from my seat and walking towards lightbulb as fan follows behind.. 

"p-painty-.. is awake!! And t-they-.. feel lightheaded!" Lightbulb says in between pants.. "t-their awake!?" Fan asks with a excited expression on his face.. "y-yeah.." 

Paintbrush's pov:

Ugh.. why does my neck hurt so much... it usually doesn't hurt as much.. I feel really dizzy.. and I feel really lightheaded... it feels like I'm going to pass out.. I feel weaker then before.. I'm tired but I don't want to go to sleep.. it feels like at any moment I could just pass out and die.. then I heard the door open.. I look over and see lightbulb, fan and test tube all standing there... I look down and realize one thing... I'm not wearing my scarf... 

Lightbulb's pov:

"PAINTBRUSH!!" fan yells running over to painty giving them a big hug causing them to flinch.. "ah-.. fan get off me.." painty says pushing fan away "heh sorry..." he apologizes pulling away from the hug.. test tube slowly started to walk towards painty.. "how do you feel..?" She asks with a concerned look on her face.. "..dizzy.." they respond after thinking for a while.. "how dizzy..?" Test tube asks putting her hand on their shoulder making me feel a little jealous.. "I don't know.. I just feel dizzy.." they reply scooting away from test tube a little..

"Do you hurt at all..?"

Paintbrushs pov:

"No" I lie looking away from her.. "are you sure?" She asks again.. "yeah.. I'm fine.." I say looking back up at her.. She doesn't believe me.. am I really that bad at lying!?

455 words

"Cut" an inanimate insanity Fanfiction auWhere stories live. Discover now