Chapter 14 (answers)

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merry Xmas-;







Test tubes pov:

I take the stretcher and rush to lightbulbs and paintbrush's house.. why out of all the people paintbrush would be the one to-..... h-hurt themselves.. I shake my head all that matters is that they are alive.. but why them? They don't seem like the type to.. cut... themselves.. then again they might have been though hell and back..

And lightbulb.. she said that she knew about it but why didn't she tell me!? I could have helped! And those cuts.. they looked real deep.. some of them looked like they were from years ago.. how long has this "cutting" thing even been going on for!?

Fans pov:

What happened to paintbrush??? The text say that they won't wake up, Test tube wouldn't talk to me AND she left with a stretcher! Are they okay!? What if something really bad happened to them.. no I can't think like that! Plus I could just be overreacting! I won't get my answers if I just think about it.. maybe I'll give lightbulb a call..! 'Ring ring' ..c'mon answer 'ring ring' I don't like worrying like this! especially about my friends 'ring ri-'  "Heya! sorry I couldn't take your call! I'm probably busy or something.. or I just don't like you! Anyway Leave a message after the beep! Thank you!!"  'Beep'

She didn't answer.. maybe I'll just call again 'ring ri-'  "Heya! sorry I couldn't take your call! I'm probably busy or something.. or I just don't like you! Anyway Leave a message after the beep! Thank you!!"  'Beep' It went to voice mail almost immediately.. somethings definitely wrong with paintbrush..

Lightbulbs pov:

Why.. why did they cut themselves again!? Are they not happy!? I tried my best to make them happy! Why are they even doing this to themselves!? I need to know whats making them sad! 

I'm paintys best- No I'm painty partner! I need to know these things! Am I making them do this.. No I can't be the reason.. right.......yeah I can't b-be the reason! If I was the reason then painty wouldn't have kissed me back! They wouldn't have cuddled with me! If they hated me then I would know! They would have left me in inanimate insanity! They wouldn't have agreed to buying a house with me! I would know if they hated me!...

I hope.....

I know it's short but at least you get a chapter- 400 words

"Cut" an inanimate insanity Fanfiction auWhere stories live. Discover now