Chapter 18 (worry)

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and MORE


3 hours later

Lightbulbs pov:

I hate this so much.. I just painty to be safe..! I feel like I've asked myself this a million times but.. why did painty hurt them self again..!? If something is making them sad causing them to cut them self then I need to know what's making them sad..! But they won't tell me.. 

And yesterday they looked happy.. and earlier today they seemed happy.. they were smiling and laughing and joking... I don't get it.. I tried to make them happy.. I tried to make sure that they didn't cut themselves again.. and a couple days ago.. I woke up to a scream.. and later that day when they took a nap on the couch they had a nightmare.. is it because of nightmares..? 

What were those nightmares about!? When they were sleeping they seemed scared..

Then I hear the door open.. "hey lightbulb.. test tube wanted me to check on you guys.." fan says  with a face of concern.. "hm..? Oh hey fan.. were fine right now.." I reply holding paintbrush's hand tight.. "o-ok.. I'll go tell test tube that you guys are ok.." he says awkwardly then walking out of the room closing the door after with a card that I think Test tube gave him..

After he leaves I look back at painty.. I look at their cuts... they look so deep.. they really had no mercy for them self.. I feel so guilty.. why do I feel like this is my fault.. what if it is my fault.. but I asked them if it was because of me and they said no.. but they could be lying.. 

"m-mh" I hear paintbrush grunt.. as soon as I heard paintbrush make that noise I quickly shook them "p-painty!? Are you awake!?" I ask taking their hand and holding it tightly.... 

they don't respond.. 'sigh' I slowly let go of their hand in disappointment..

I hope they wake up soon

325 words-

"Cut" an inanimate insanity Fanfiction auWhere stories live. Discover now