Chapter 6 (surprise)

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I'm bored ok!?!?




Self harm

Cuss words 


Lightbulb's pov:

...I woke up on paintbrush.. what happen-.............right.. I get up and look over at the knife.... I never got my answer about why they hurt them self's.. or where they cut...                                              'yawn'  I heard a yawn... painty is awake now.. "ugh my head hurts what. happened w-why are we in my bathroom... w-why is m-my k-knife out...." I guess they remember anything... "d-do you not remember what happened..?" I asked them just in case "n-no I-............" " okay?"               "....yes  I'm fine" .....'ring ring' 

Test tubes pov:

'Ring ring'  "h-hello?" She picked up "lightbulb!" "Oh- heya testy" "hey ummm remember you called me yesterday?" I said glaring at fan who was trying to take photos "oh yeah" "wellll it's the next day so..." "oh mkay I'll be there soon" she hanged up "uhhh ok then- FAN" "UHHHH"

Lightbulb's pov:

"...what was that about lightbulb"  "oh yesterday test tube was working on something and said that I could see today!" I said excited "....but first we need to talk......"  "....a-about what-" I cut them off "painty you know what..."  "I-I..." tears started to form and drip down their cheeks... "I-I just want to know where the c-cuts are..."  .....i put my hand on their face we both blush a little     "Just show me where the scars are" they take off the scarf I gave them to show almost 50 cuts just on the front you can wich ones are old and wich ones are new.. "oh god painty.." I hugged them and after 10 seconds I pull away "I'm gonna go get some bandages" "what about test tube"  "she can wait" I walk over to my bathroom and grab some bandages for painty and some more  medical stuff for them i walk back over they were still sitting on the floor I bend over and start healing their wounds once I finished I called test tube to ask her something 'ring ring' .......                'ring ri-' "hello?" "Heya uhhh can I ask a question" I said "of course lightbulb what is it?"         "Can painty come too?" "Oh yeah of course lightbulb that all?" "Yeah byeee testy" "by-" I hanged  up 

Fans pov:

"...I guess lightbulb and paintbrush is coming" "Yeah that's nice" I said trying to take some photos "fan seriously if you keep doing this I'm taking your phone away again" "I'm not gonna post them just keep them for myself... "

An hour later 

I was playing a game on my phone then I heard a 'THUD' "oh that must be lightbulb and paintbrush!" Test tube said while walking over to the lobby "ow-" I heard paintbrush from the other room "heya testy soo what's the thing you wanted to show us?" "Oh well follow me I'll show you.. fan your coming too" I didn't argue and followed her. The line went test tube, lightbulb, paintbrush then me since I was behind paintbrush I saw some crack looking thing on the back of their head..  weird I haven't seen that before.. I knew where we were going since I was there then test tube made it we passed the room it was made in and walked over to the room I remember test tube putting the code in she took a keycard out of her pocket (she's wearing a lab coat btw) and scanned it 'beep' the door opened "woah" I heard lightbulb say under her breath test tube looked back at us with a smirk flexing the fact that she could open a door.. paintbrush just rolled their eyes. The door just lead to  another hallway and we walked though I got bored quick so I stared back up at Paintbrush's scar thingy and then I got out my phone test tube looking back at me to make sure a I didn't take any photos wich I won't right now last time she made me clean THE WHOLE LAB ITS LIKE 40 FLOORS DEEP IT TOOK ME AGES- so I don't think I'll be doing that any time soon- I look though my photos of us four and find one photo wear lightbulb, Paintbrush and test tube are all staring off a cliff 

 The door just lead to  another hallway and we walked though I got bored quick so I stared back up at Paintbrush's scar thingy and then I got out my phone test tube looking back at me to make sure a I didn't take any photos wich I won't right now ...

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I look closer and noticed the crack guess they did always have it.. I wonder how long... I mute my phone real quick and go to YouTube I go to my inmate insanity playlist and click the first episode I watch it till paintbrush is faced backwards once they are I look at the back of their head and see the crack still there... strange wonder what it is from "so testy how far is the thing" I see jealousy in paintbrush's eyes from the name testy "someone's jealous" I quickly blurt out as I speed walk up to them to get their reaction "fan I will rip you to million pieces-" they say while giving me a death glare I quickly speed down to get back behind them test tube let out a little chuckle at the interaction "soon lightbulb we're be there soon" "mkay" lightbulb mumbled to herself.. I can't wait to see their reaction to the-


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