Chapter 9 (crack)

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No that kind of crack- (you dirty minded bi-/j)






Fans pov:

"Hey testy Tubes"  "what's with you guys giving me nicknames?" "Your name is just long-" "you just made it longer" test tube said looking back at me "anywayyyy... have you ever noticed the crack on paintbrush's head" I said showing her a picture of the back of their head " why? It's just a crack! It will heal in like a week-" "but that's the thing I watched the first episode of ii and they still had it" "and? Fan it's a crack why are you going so deep with this?" "I don't know I just feel like somethings up with it" "FAN ITS A SCRATCH" "I KNOW BUT... I do theory's with shows and game sometimes I know when something's weird..." i say remembering all the anime theory's I did "fan can we talk about later please" "Fine" I sat in silence while she kept fixing her time machine "...." as a blogger I can't let this chance slip out of my hands.. I keep looking on my phone I plug my headphones in to watch a few videos....

A few hours later

Test tubes pov:

...I'm almost done just got screw this back on....aaaaaand done.. I look over and see fan on his phone.. is he serious about the scratch thing 'sigh' he unplugged his headphones "..what..?"                                                                           "Your really taking a small crack on PB's head and turning it in to a whole experiment?" "What? Experiment?" He asked confused "you know what I mean" I told him not wanting to explain what i mean "I really don't-" "if your really are curious just go ask them" "i-I.. that's actually clever" "no fan.. it's common sense" ".....shhhhhhhh" He shushed me.. then he went on his phone and called them 'ring ring'

Lightbulb's pov:

'ring ring' "mhmmmm" I groaned not wanting to wake up 'ring ring' .....I open my eyes to see painty right in front of I smiled and blushed a bit 'ring ring' turn over to my bedside table to see both mine and painty's phones I sit up 'ring ring' it was painty's phone I picked up for them "hey paintbrush need to ask something" I heard fan on the other side "no.. their sleeping" I said  basically demanding him to shut up "oh hey lightbulb you sound tired" "I am you just woke me up" "oh sorry- wait why are sleeping next to paintbrush's phone" "ughhhhhhhhhh" i groaned "uhhh ok when they wake can you ask them to call me?" "Yea... whatever" I hang up and lay back down i cuddle up to painty and fall back asleep "night painty"...

I'm so fucking tired AHHHHHH

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