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Vegas Pov

And I'm doing the work which was given to me by my father

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And I'm doing the work which was given to me by my father. After 2 hours he woke up.

"Did you sleep well cutiee?" he looked shocked first and then checked his clothes then looked at me with his cute eyes. I know what he is thinking, but i won't do anything because he already has a boyfriend.


"If you have sobered up then can we talk" i asked while working.

"I need to go" he woke up from the bed but I'm not done yet with him so I grabbed his wrist

"Why did you cut your classes and drank like a fish"


"Did you fight with your boyfriend. Is he cheating on you?" i asked jokingly but he is serious.

"Let me go Vegas"

"Do you remember what did you say at the bar?"

"What did I say?"

"You asked why I'm looking at you like a toy and you asked me to see your eyes. Come here... show me your eyes, I want to see which movie are you going to show me with your eyes..." I teased him

"Don't come near me Vegas." He pushed me.

"Why are acting like this Pete, you confuse me. Am I looking like a monster to you. I know I'm always fucking around, but not the committed person. I know the pain of cheating"

Hey wait why I'm confessing my pain to him, who is he to me, just calm down Vegas. Pete looks relaxed now. So, I dropped his hand.

"What do you want to talk about?" - Pete

"Who is your boyfriend" - Vegas

"That's none of your business" -Pete

"Then why did you skip class today" – Vegas

"That's my personal matter" – Pete

He tests my patience level. I can't control anymore.

"What the fuck is bothering you Pete just tell me or I won't leave you".

Pete Pov

Is he concerned about me. Why is he asking me these questions. I know vegas is not that type, what happened to him; does he also have feelings for me? I was lost in my thoughts.

"Just wait here I will bring lunch for you, after eating I will allow you to leave. Is that clear to you?"

"MM Just bring me curry and orange juice"

"Ok wait for me don't go outside"

After Vegas left, I receive one message

"Lilly, I need your help. After you're done with your classes, message me" I'm shocked why he needs my help now, did anything happened to him? so I called him and confirmed that he is doing fine.

Yes, some of you must have guessed already my "Mission Vegas" is lily aka Pete.

At first, I thought I should know about what happened between Tawan and Vegas. I can't believe anyone other than Vegas, if I go and ask him, he will definitely ignore me. So, I created fb profile with girl's name because Vegas is not into girls so it will be fine.

Then I send friend request to Vegas but he rejected me and I didn't stop either. Finally, he accepted my request and we fought over like tom and jerry. He shared about Tawan.

Tawan is the one who cheated behind Vegas back. And Vegas witnessed with his own eyes, so that's why he hates him so much. But what I don't like this, after Tawan cheated, Vegas choose not to love anybody but rather fuck around. Every time after he fucked a boy, he will share it with me. My heart broke every time, first I was angry with him then he told me about his father and his mother's death. He only believed Tawan for love but he also broke his heart, so he turned into the monster. So, I didn't complaint and waited for the day to enter his life I will change Vegas into human, now he needs a friend so I will be his friend by the name of lily.

[What kind of help you need baby] – Lilly aka Pete

"Have your classes ended?"

[I didn't go to college]


[I'll tell you later now ask me what you need]

"I got Pete at my condo"

I know Vegas, if you tried to ask me anything dirty, I won't leave you I will kill you I thought and typed


"I will tell you later. Yesterday after talking to, you, I went and visited him at shop"

[Oh, you didn't tell me that...... then]

"I asked him come to my condo"

[Are you out of your mind Vegas, why would you ask him like that he will definitely feel bad about you]

"Can you please allow me to finish"

[Ok carry on]

"I asked him because I want to help him with his project, I already hacked his profile by asking Macau's help then I came to know he is doing his mini project on the same topic as my final year project and he scored low marks in it"

"So, I wanted to help him but he also misunderstood me like you"

Ahh Pete what did you do you spoiled everything Vegas wants to help you but you misunderstood him and lied him about having a boyfriend. How can I face him now!

[So did how he react yesterday and how did he end up at your condo now?]

"I'll tell you all that later, now help me to clear the misunderstanding with Pete"

[How can I help you]

"Give me some suggestion mama, Now I'm outside to buy him curry"

[Do you like him Vegas baby?]

"Unfortunately, I liked him first but not anymore"

[Why????] he said he liked me; I'm blushing now he likes me Vegas likes me. But he said not anymore what did I do wrong?

"Because he has a boyfriend already"

Ah, Now I want to hit my head in wall.

[You said yesterday he is angry so maybe he lied to you, you should ask him one more time na... ]

Please ask me one more time Vegas I prayed. And I heard the door opening sound, Vegas came back what should I do now. If he found out about lily, I will be doomed so I just went to bathroom and put my phone on silent mode.

"Pete where are you?" He called me.

"I'm in restroom will be back wait"

"Ok your curry is ready"

What should I do now I'm receiving messages from Vegas

[Vegas my dad called so I've got to go, just ask Pete one more time about his boyfriend and then clarify you misunderstanding bye baby will text you later] I just made some excuses.

"Hmm go, this is the first time you've ignored me when I needed your help, you will face the consequences when you come back."

[Just understand baby Vegas]

"Don't you want to go your papa called you na"

[mm wait for my text don't sleep without talking to me. bye now]

After that I came out from the bathroom and saw Vegas he is preparing the dining table. How can I face him now and explain him that I don't have a boyfriend my life sucks.


Who's Pov you need next Vegas or Pete?

Proof Read by: @Lazygal_Teerey

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