15. What We Are?

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Vegas POV

I know I did wrong but I will not ask his forgiveness and this lily also took Pete's side. Every day I go to yok bar to flirt with boys but not make out.

Today I saw Pete dancing with nodt and nodt hands were around Pete's waist my blood boils. And nodt whispering in Pete's ears that adds more anger but I choose to ignore.

After that I can see Pete walking towards the restroom so I decided to follow and locked the door and pinned him.

P: "What are you doing here Vegas?"

V: "Were you expecting someone else and got disappointment because it was me?"

P: "......"

V: "I want to cuddle" we hardly have an inch between us. We both were breathing heavily.

P: "Are you asking my permission?"

V: "No you already gave me the permission to cuddle. I'm not sharing you, Pete. Why don't you understand me and always go out with that bastard?" now I'm angry.

P: "Vegas he is my senior that's all"

V: "Then why is he touching you. And you're allowing that" I moved my hands to Pete waist and Pete flinched. His waist is very small like a girl and it perfectly fits my hands.

P: "what are you trying to do now?"

V: "Cuddle you. You already gave me the permission" I reminded him but I'm not sure it's just cuddle. I want more. His unique smell turned me on

P: "But--" he looked confused.

V: "Pete can you come with me." I can't hold back anymore.

P: "To where?"

V: "My condo I promise I won't do anything without your consent."

Pete looked at my face with anger and asked

P: "you didn't say sorry yet but you ask me to follow you how can I believe you flirty Vegas"

I know I did wrong but what Pete is doing now is also wrong how can he come here with nodt.

V: "I already warned you Pete if I saw you with the bastard nodt then I will kill him. Are you asking me to kill him now?" he pulls me even more close and whispered

P: "He is just a senior but you are more than a friend"

I got goosebumps I didn't know Pete could also flirt

V: "Do you like me?"

Pete kissed me on my cheek and spoke

P: "Ask this to yourself. Do you like me?"

He is playing with fire. I got aroused all over my body.

V: "I'm not sure what I feel for you but I don't want to share you. And I'm sorry for what I did that day. I got angry when I saw you with that bastard. I want you to be mine. Do you understand Pete?"

I asked and confessed while my hands search for his nibble. One kiss from Pete changes my mind to ask for forgiveness. Pete has something in him that makes my mind go crazy.

P: "Stop Vegas"

He dogged and I didn't expect that I could feel the same tension from him he was also aroused like me, but why is he rejecting my touch. Am I disgusting to Pete?

V: "Why Pete, I already said sorry. Why are you rejecting me? Are you disgusted with me?"

He got irritated.

P: "No Vegas see where we are? we are in the restroom"

V: "so what?"

P: "I saw you make out with one boy in this place. So, I don't want to be in this place with you, it reminds me of that day."

V: "Huh? When you saw me? what day you are talking about?"

P: "During graduation party"

OMG, I doomed. That day I got frustrated by seeing tawan so I made out here with a boy. Did Pete saw that?

V: "Sorry I won't do that again. Shall we go to my room"

I stepped back and hold his wrist to drag him but stopped when I heard Pete's question

P: "What are we?"

V: "I don't know"

P: "Then I will go to my condo"

V: "That also ok for me. I will come with you"

P: "Hey I not taking you. I leave you here"

I got angry so I pull him close to me

V: "WTF Pete, you are the one who gave me permission don't forget that"

P: "I know but I think you won't stop with just a cuddle"

V: "Don't you want more" I'm leaning my face towards his nape and kissed his nape

He moaned my name. I know he wants me. He pushed me but not hard

P: "What are we?"

The same question repeated. Then we hear someone calling Pete none other than nodt. And Pete was ready to leave but I held his wrist tightly.

V: "Don't go. If you go with him, you will regret."

I warned him but he removed his hand and went outside. I stopped where I was, not moving anywhere. Pete leaved me.

After 5 mins I felt someone hug me from backside. I flinched and tried to punch that person but stopped.


He hugged me tightly. I don't know what is happening but I know one thing Pete did not leave me and I won't either. I cupped his face and placed a small kiss on his lips they felt really soft. I want to taste them more but I need to confess first. When he left me here, I realized how much I want him. I need him not physically. I want him all. I want his smile, I want his hug, I want his voice, I want to see his face every day. I want him by my side every single second of my life.

"I like you, Pete."

Why Vegas confessed and where Pete left. Why he returned and hug Vegas? What do you think?

Proof Read by: @Lazygal_Teerey

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