11. Confession

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When Pete opened the door and saw Vegas, he couldn't control himself but hugged him and started crying in his embrace. Vegas got shocked but eventually hugged Pete even tighter. He doesn't know why Pete was crying and who was behind it.

The only thing Vegas knew is that, now Pete has slept in his embrace, so he carried Pete bridal style to the bed and sat beside him while caressing his hair

"What happened to you? Why are you crying like a baby and now you're sleeping? I don't know how I feel for you but one thing's for sure you're such a baby to me. I can do anything to get back your smile and your cute dimples... Don't worry Pete sleep well, I'll be here for you."

After that Vegas glanced around Pete's room which was neatly organized. Then he went to the study table there he saw some albums, Pete was sleeping now and he needs an entertainment so he decided to see what's in the album.

When he opened the album, his eyes went wider and he shouted


The first picture in the album was Vegas graduation photo.

"Why does he have my graduation picture. I don't remember taking this photo with me, then how come he has my picture? Does he like me or what?"

Then he decided to through the full album but to his disappointment the others are group photo of graduation party. So, he thought maybe Pete was collecting graduation photos and accidentally took Vegas photo. This is not a big deal but Vegas become sad.

Then he saw a diary he was about to take that but Pete ran towards Vegas and shouted

"What are you doing at my study table?"

And took the dairy from the table. Vegas frowned

"Huh?.. Are you crazy Pete you're the one who hugged me and cried like a baby and even slept in my arms. Don't tell me you forgot?"

Pete rolled his eyes and spoke

"I remember but why are you still here?"

Vegas got furious and went near Pete and asked

"Are you serious Pete? You don't want me here?"

Pete blushed and turned into a tomato

"See you're blushing..." Vegas said and started caressing his cheek

"Don't tease me I'm not blushing"

Vegas removed his hand and asked Pete

"ok ok.. I won't tease you but can you tell me, why were you crying now? and, why did you cry at my condo also? I don't understand you, so now tell me"

Pete got teary again because Vegas was not replying to lily's messages and Pete doesn't know how to approach Vegas without the help of lily.

When Vegas saw Pete's watery eyes, he couldn't control himself but hugged him.

"If you feel uncomfortable you don't have to tell me the reason but please don't cry"

Vegas patted Pete's back and when he saw Pete like this Vegas became sad. He doesn't want to see Pete crying so he decided to stop asking questions.

Pete also hugged Vegas tightly and asked

"How did I end up in your bed yesterday?"

Vegas broke the hug and asked in irritated voice

"Is that the reason you cried?" with his hands on Pete's shoulders.

Pete looked directly into his eyes and said "NO, I'm not crying for that. I just want to know. Last thing I remember was calling the taxi. I don't remember anything after that"

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