16. Guilt

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Pete POV

"I like you"

When I heard those three words from Vegas. My heart skip beating. Am I dreaming? I waited for these three words for three years. At last, Vegas said those words. I'm on cloud nine. When lost in my thoughts Vegas hugged me tightly.

"Where did you go Pete? I thought you left me." He whined like a baby... But I'm speechless here.

I know Vegas said those words out of jealousy, I won't believe him but

"If Vegas is pain, I'm willing to suffer." I thought in my mind.

Vegas kissed my cheek but I didn't feel anything because I haven't recovered from shock. But here he gives me another shock.

"Now onwards you have to be with me, I won't allow you to stay away from me so, we can go to your condo and pack your things first, then will go to my condo"

He doesn't even ask me whether I'm willing or not. He had already decided and only informed me. But I'm not willing. I want to know his true emotions. The vegas I know can't easily say sorry or accept his feeling.

So, I reminded silent I wouldn't dare to spoil his happiness. Then he asks me one more time.

"When I ask you not to go with Nodth, why did you go?" he asked with his happy face. I didn't answer.

I went to talk with Nodt because I'm the one who ask him to come here and I used him. So, I felt guilt. I went outside to clear things with Nodt and fortunately he accepts my apology and wish me luck to get my love. He is a good human being I ever saw. I didn't tell him the person I love is Vegas, I don't want to hurt his feelings. After Nodt left I hurried to restroom to see Vegas and Vegas is not moving an inch. So, I hug him that's what happened but I don't want to share this to Vegas. I don't know why, maybe it because I want to believe his confession first.

"Pete, my baby please talk to me?" he is now pleading like a puppy. Where the monster Vegas gone?

"Are you serious Vegas?" I asked with disbelief.

"Yes, I'm serious baby, come we'll leave this place." He drags me to his bike and gave me the helmet. I obeyed all his orders. I know what is going to happen So I accept my fate. If he leaves me after using me, I'm ready for that also. Because I waited for damn three years for these three words. The words Vegas said, were repeatedly playing in my head. He liked me. Finally, he liked me.

Then he stopped his bike Infront of curry shop and told me to wait. I waited for him without knowing what will happen next. What will happen to lily? After some time, he came and gave me the curry bag. And I hop on his bike again. When he handles me curry, he hides something in his pocket I know what they are and what Vegas planning. He is going to use me.

My curry literally in my hands but I I couldn't smile, this is the first time it's happening in my life. Should I happy or sad? I know about Vegas and his mood swings but now I can't guess.

I literally confused by Vegas's every action. If I could, I would go and hide, then message as lily to know about his plan but now I can't. Vegas won't leave me alone.

We reached my condo. I gave him fake smile. But he smiled at me genuinely. Why are you doing this to me Vegas? Are you really going to use me?

When we entered the room Vegas went to kitchen and transferred food to plate and asked me to eat and he informed me that he is taking me to live with him in his condo tomorrow.

I didn't say a word, I eat my curry peacefully until Vegas interrupted,

V: "Have you had sex before?" I choked my food. Is this the time to ask this question? then he hands me water and patted my head.

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