17. Care about others emotion

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Pete POV

Morning, I woke up first and I'm in Vegas embrace. I'm happy but I need to do something before he wakes up. So, I went to the restroom with my mobile and send morning message like every day via lily account then put phone on silent mode.

I need to talk via lily with Vegas today. After that I prepared food for Vegas, I know what his favorite is so I cooked that.

"Pete, where are you?" he wakes up. And comes to the kitchen. I just smiled.

"Are you cooking? When did you wake up? I missed you"

He asked and came near me and back hugged me, I got butterflies in my stomach.

"Go and brush first then we'll eat." He was clingy today. Then he did as I said.

"Pete it really tastes good; I want to eat like this every day. After you come to my condo you can cook for me."

Now I got nervous.

"Vegas can we talk? You didn't ask for my opinion about living together."

I said in low voice I don't want to trigger Vegas anger. He stopped eating

"Why Pete? don't you want to stay with me? you also like me right?"

"First eat. After that, we will talk" I want him to finish his breakfast first.

"No, first we talk" he protested.

"Vegas if you care about my feeling, please eat first" I said and he understood my feelings and finished his breakfast.

"Now you can tell me why you asked liked that?" Vegas asked me straightforward now he is sitting on the sofa and I'm on the bed.

"Vegas can we take our relationship slowly" he looks angry now.

"Why Pete we already planned yesterday. we liked each other but we need time to use the word love. If we live together, we can understand each other better and move forward with our relationship." He tried to explain. But I have already made my decision I won't go with him before talk via lily account.

"Can you give me one day time? I want to pack my things" I used that as an excuse.

"No need to pack your things I will buy new whatever you want. Now come with me" he stood up. I don't know what to do Vegas is stubborn.

Then he checked his mobile I think he saw lily message. I asked for his help via lily account; I know if lily asks for any help Vegas is there for her anytime. So, I used that I know he needs time to chat with lily. As I expected Vegas told me to pack whatever I want and gave me one hour permission then left the room with his car key.

Then I locked the door and checked my phone.

[What happened lily? You didn't share anything about you for past 2 weeks. And you met your crush also, did he do anything bad to you?]

I know he is worried but now I know he is treating lily as his own little sister which is unexpected. If he comes to know that lily doesn't exist in this word, what will he do? That got me more worried.

But I have to continue this, I have no other choice.

"Where are you Vegas?"

[I'm at Pete's place I will tell you everything when I go to my condo now tell me what help you need.]

"My crush asked me to date him but I can't take any decision I'm confused."

[You told me you love him so you can date him if he is a good boy.]

"But I don't know what he thinks and he is not even ready to ask for my opinion. He takes his decision and only informs me as information".

[What does he is think about you, give me his information I will break his legs.]

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