9. Is this Jealous

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Vegas Pov

Today my father assigned me a mission,

"Vegas if this mission failed, I won't allow you to see Macau anymore. I will send him to the US. If you want your brother to stay with us then complete this task without fail"

I got angry

"Pa, why are you involving Macau in this, he didn't do anything wrong, why do you need to send him away?"

"Because you two shouldn't have come to this world in the first place. If you want to be my son then do as I say" after said hurtful words, he went like he didn't do anything wrong. It hurts, It hurts to much to the point I'm counting on my pa's death. Am I cruel to hope like that as a son?

I won't do anything for you pa, but I need to succeed in this mission for my baby brother Macau. He can't be alone without me. I need to save him, so I collected all the information about the Italian clan and located their leader's place, then went with my bodyguards.

I can handle this without others help, but if anything went wrong, I will lose my brother, that's why i need fucking help. This isn't like me... I will never ask other's help, but I have no other choice, I can't take any risk when it comes to Macau. "He is home to me. Without him, I have nothing in this world. So,"

I have already informed kinn about this mission because he also wants to kill the Italian clan, he helped me with his bodyguards, and I killed their leader.

I already told kinn about my Brothers's issue so he understood and allowed me to take all the credit, so my father will think we won this time over the main family and he won't send Macau away.

All the plans are going well. Now my heart is filled with darkness, how dare my father threaten me by using my brother I need to do something to save Macau from this hell. He deserves a happy life.

"As a big brother, I need to do something. I had a lot going on in my mind when I heard my phone ring. The caller ID showed Khun's name."

I am already having a headache if I attended his call then I will go crazy so I didn't attend it. But he continuously called so I picked up with irritating tone.

"Hello dick head why don't you pick my calls?" Khun scolded me and I got irritated

"Why do I need to pick your calls peacock head?" I teased him at least it will give me satisfaction.

"Don't talk to me like that... Hoooi if I continue talking to you then I will be having a headache, so I will come straight to the point" who is talking about headache.

"Hmm I'm listening" I don't want to argue.

"Come at yok bar, we already started celebrating, I asked Macau to join us but he has his studies, so he told me to invite you, come here quickly" I want to hit Macau why he told him to invite me.

"No Khun I need a rest".

"OOOooi... dick head come and join us; Porsche and his friends are also here so we will make fun come that's all" he cut the call.

When I heard Porsche friends is also there, then Pete must be there I want to see him so I took a quick bath then dressed up well, and went to the yok bar.

When I entered the bar, I saw Khun dancing like there is no tomorrow. I smiled a little bit then started looking for Pete. Instead of Pete I saw TAWAN.

Tawan also noted my presence so came to me, I avoided him but he come and asked me for my forgiveness. How can I forgive him he fucked other man Infront of me, he's the one who spread the fake rumors about me, because of him I started avoiding college, because of him I hate love, All because of this dumb-ass. No, I won't forgive him.

So, I went near his ears and spoke,

"If you're horny go and fuck yourself" he frowned and tried to hit me, I dogged him. So, he moved from my side and went to Porsche, I don't know what he said to him but then he went out from the bar. I thing he was pissed off by my action and I'm satisfied with that.

Then I found my cutie Pete, so I tried to approach him but when I saw Porsche introducing Nodt to Pete, I stopped myself and hid behind the pillar.

After that Porsche left Pete and Nodt, so they could spend some time together and he went to kinn, my blood started boiling when I saw Pete with Nodt. But I didn't do anything because I don't know why I feel this way, why do I get angry nowadays, I don't know what I'm feeling, but one thing for sure I don't feel good when I see Nodt flirting with Pete.

Then Pete got drunk and started dancing with Khun, they danced like crazy, they didn't notice my presence. When they were about to leave Nodt approached Pete but Pete rejected him I felt happy inside. I know Nodt from my college days, he is a good and handsome guy, he was also my junior when we were in college I use to talk to him sometimes. Even if he is a good guy, I won't allow him to flirt with Pete.

After Nodt went, pete called for taxi, I was standing behind him but he didn't notice, because he drank too much. When he was about to leave, I grabbed his hand and started talking to him.

After I heard tawan's name my blood started boiling but I controlled and spoke

"If I came for that bastard then why I'm here with you?"

"Then did you come for me?" yes, I'm here for you Pete but why can't I accept that, so I lied. I told him about khun's invitation after hearing that he smiled and showed me his cute dimple smile and then passed out.

He is so cute I want to eat him now but somehow; I need his approval. My mind always reminds me, don't do anything without his consent otherwise you will regret it, I don't know why I'm feeling like this because I always used to fuck anybody weather, they are willing or not. If they take initiative one step then I will fuck them for sure without worry about their pain. But when it comes to Pete, I want his approval first so for now I won't do anything to him.

After he passed out, I took him to my condo. I tried to wake him up for shower but he refused to open his eyes. So, I gave him the sponge bath. When I touched his body, I was turned on, so I speeded up what I was doing, then went to the bathroom and did my hand job. I'm so embarrassed he is now sleeping so he couldn't hear my moans otherwise I couldn't show my face to him.

After I did my job, I took shower then went to bed. Pete is sleeping near me. I'm feeling hot, so I need a mind diversion. I saw the time it's 8.30 PM, this is the time lily would usually send me good night messages. Today I need to talk to her but to my surprised I didn't receive any messages.

I got angry, now I won't speak to her for two days, I need to punish her for ignoring me. Then I went near Pete and started admire his cuteness and fell sleep.

Proof Read by: @Lazygal_Teerey

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