13. Anger

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Vegas Pov

Two days has passed and I was busy with my dad's business. so, I couldn't contact Pete. My last message was

[I'm going to be busy for two or three days don't wait for my messages and be a good boy.]

Now I'm checking my phone after two days he just read my messages without replying. How dare he what does he think of me. I got angry so I went to his college because it's morning and today he has morning class I know his schedule from the first day thanks to my lil bro Macau.

When I got closer to the college, I saw some third-year students and asked them for Pete, what they said surprised me.

Pete and his friends went with nodt's team to attend some lecture held by other college. Why does he need to go with nodt, if he would have asked me, I could have given him the lecture. Pete made me angry. So, I went to the conference hall of the college where they were attending the lecture. I spotted Pete he was seated between nodt and Porsche.

My blood boiled but I have to control myself because the lecture has not ended. I don't want to spoil his studies so, I sat in one corner and watched Pete. Nodt touched Pete more than I can watch. what happened to Pete, if I touched him like that, he will ask me what kind of relationship that we have. But why does he allow nodt, he is even giggling with nodt, what is the relationship between them.

Nodt told something in Pete's ear then Pete hit nodt's hand lightly and giggled. They look like a couple I can't stand anymore so I went outside and waited till the lecture ended.

After an hour they came out that one hour was like hell to me. I had planned to take Pete to my condo but now I want to smash nodt face because his hand is over Pete shoulders. What the hell is happening. I want to watch how far they go, so I hid with my bike and watched them from afar.

Nodt and his friends invited Pete and his friends for lunch. They went to the restaurant I followed them and hid in one corner table.

They become more lovely dovely, nodt drank the juice of cup from which Pete was already drinking. They indirectly kissed. I had reached my limits so I went to their table.

Everyone looked at me with surprise and they invited me to join. Pete looked at me surprised.

"Pete come with me" I can't reach him because he was sitting in the corner.

"Hey, cool man, why are you asking Pete to go with you?" Porsche asked.

I ignored him and asked Pete one more time

"Pete, will you come by yourself or I need to drag you?" I only saw Pete

Pete remained silent then nodt spoke

"P' Vegas you can join with us Pete has not eaten anything from morning. After he finishes eating, he will come with you" how dare he talk to me.

I ignored him also and looked angrily at Pete now he is moving.

"Hey guys I'm the one who asked Vegas to come. I need to go with him I will talk with you later and thank you P' Nodt for taking us to the lecture." Pete thanked nodt I have already reached my limits so I spoke

"No need to thank your seniors that's their duty. Now will you come with me or not?" I raised my voice.

When he came near me, I grabbed his wrist and dragged him.

"Call me when you reach your condo" I can hear his friend Porsche's words but I don't care, now Pete has to come with me.

"Okay Porsche" Pete said and waved bye to his friends.

When we came out from the restaurant, I handed the helmet to Pete but he rejected.

"Are you asking me to create a scene in the middle of the road? If you want that I can create a scene now? Do you want that or put the helmet and hop on " I asked him with serious face.

He didn't talk back or anything just obeyed my order. The ride was full of silence.

When we reach my condo, I dragged him to my room.

"Vegas you're hurting me. I'm not going anywhere please leave my hands." – he asked me in pleading voice.

I turned to him and asked "If it is Nodt then you have no problem with that right Pete?"

"What are you talking Vegas first let's go to your room then we can talk?"

I got even more angry

"Why?..... you are being lovely dovely with nodt publicly but I can't even hold your hand publicly, right Pete?". He got water in his eyes.

"Don't act in front of me. Come as you wish; we'll go to my room." I dragged him with all my strength to my room.

After we reached my room, I closed the door and pinned him then tried to kiss Pete but he dogged.

"I knew Pete, you will reject me, I was busy for two days only. And within two days you got close with nodt and now you reject my kiss."

Pang, pang

Pete slapped me but not hard.

"How dare you talk to me like that. Why are you getting angry like this? I'm not your boyfriend don't forget that"

He said and cried. All he said is correct I'm not his boyfriend he can do anything with others but I can't stand seeing that.

"Don't you dare talk to nodt anymore, if I saw you with him, I won't do anything to you but he will die from my hands" I said, now there's only an inch between us.

"Vegas I'm not your pet to follow your orders. I-I can do anything I w-want" he spoke while sobbing.

"If I want you as my pet, I can lock you in my room. Do you want that?" I asked angrily while holding his waist.

"Don't touch me Vegas?"

"Why? you're the one who gave the permission to cuddle you. Are you forgetting that within two days Pete?" I got closer even more.

"I gave you permission to cuddle me not hurt me" he avoided my eye contact.

"Then come, we'll cuddle" I dragged him to my bed and threw him on the bed.

He tried to getup but I pushed him hard.

"Vegas don't try to force me you will regret afterwards." Now he is also angry.

"I won't regret Pete I want to show you who is the owner of your body?"

"So, your answer is you like my body right Vegas?" he asked and no longer daggling, he allowed me to touch him. But I stopped when I heard Pete words.

"Why you stopped Vegas you can continue I won't stop you. You like my body only. you can take that and then leave me alone." His words Piercing into my heart.

"......." I got up from the bed and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Vegas..." he called with soft tone but I didn't dare to look at him.

Proof Read by: @Lazygal_Teerey

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