18. What?

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Vegas Pov

"Pete, I think, we can delay our living together plan." I said, he looked surprised. He called me inside and we both sat on the bed and were silent for few minutes.

Pete broke the silence first by asking "What happened Vegas? you're the one who told me to pack my things, but now why are you cancelling that?"

"I know Pete, I didn't consider your feelings first. As you told me yesterday, we can take our relationship slowly. We can live together when we both are ready. For now, we can live separately but If I want to see you, I will come and if you want to see me, then you can come to my condo anytime. This is my room key you can enter my room even when I'm not there." I gave my room key to him; he looks surprised and the same time pale.


"What happened Pete, why do you look like this?" I'm worried.

"Vegas can you hold me? I want to feel you, I just....." he looks pale... when I heard his words my heart filled with happiness, he needs my presence , he didn't hate me for what I tried to do.

So, I hug him tightly. He also did the same. But I felt some moisture on my shoulder, he is crying, but I don't know why he is crying.

"Why are you crying, Pete? Did I do anything bad to you?" I asked.

"No Vegas, you're so good to me" after I heard that I can't control myself and kissed him passionately he also kisses me back. Then I bit his lower lips asking permission and he open his mouth but I stopped. He looked confused.

"Pete, I think, I need to go now, take rest. I will come tomorrow morning."

He comes near me and gives me a soft hug again.

"Vegas tomorrow, I have to go on a field trip. I just remembered; I have to go because I'm the student council leader. All year students will go together. So, we can't see each other for one week."

"No Pete, I won't allow you. All year means nodt is also coming right?... I don't want you near him without me, please understand me, Pete"

"I know Vegas, I already planned to ditch them but you know about Porsche, he won't talk to me if I don't go with him. Please Vegas, allow me this one time, I will promises I won't cross my limit with nodt..... but I can't avoid him because he is my senior." He is whining like a baby to ask permission how can I resist his cuteness.

And most importantly, after hearing Porsche name I gave him permission because I know my jealous stupid cousin won't allow his boyfriend to be away from him for one week. So, he must have some plans and I will join him. I need to talk to him now so, I give some advice to Pete before I leave,

"If I came to know that nodt touched you, I will chop his fingers. So, if you want your senior to be healthy, STAY AWAY FROM HIM.

If I came to know that anyone tried to flirt with you, I will cut off their tongue. So, be aware of that.

Don't walk around after 10. Go to sleep before 10.

Don't drink when I'm not around you. You can't be cute to others.


He looked surprised and kissed my forehead and also wrapped around my neck with his little arms.

"Don't worry, No one can replace you."

I felt happy then I remembered Tawan. Is this the right time to talk about him? should I tell Pete to avoid Tawan? No, he will misunderstand me, anyway I need to talk with kinn first, then I will decide what to do.

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