3. Are you a Stalker

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Vegas Pov

When Pete left me at the bar without any clue I just went home. Macau missed me so much because nowadays I don't go home, I like to spent my time alone after I broke up with Tawan. I don't want to mention him he changed my life into dark. My only light is my baby brother Macau. Whenever I feel lonely, I come to him and he makes me alive.

 Whenever I feel lonely, I come to him and he makes me alive

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Today I needed help from him so I come to visit him.

"Hey bro how was your school today" I asked and he was at dining table with our bodyguards so I just joined them.

[I used italic for English, Vegas mostly uses English, his English is sexy enough to attract people]

"Nothing special Bro, why are here anyways do you need my advice bro...." It's like he read my mind.

"Macau, I don't want to see other people from outside and I'm really tired from all the flirting. I just want to be home so that's why I came to see you..." I was whining like a baby, but he knows me very well so he stopped me and asked why I am here.

"I know my big brother very well so tell me now what kind of help you need from me? " I tried my best acting but as usual I got caught.

"I need full information about someone" I said with my coolness.

"Don't tell me you fell in Love Again" He asked me with shocking look.

"See Macau I don't fall in love with anyone anymore, so don't assume anything I just want to flirt with this boy. His name is Pete, he is from my college but you know what I have never seen him before, even when I was in college. Do you thing he hid himself from me?" He smirked at me and spoke.

"Maybe you were blinded by your Ex..." I frowned at him.

"Macau don't even talk about him. Now I need Pete's info you are a good hacker so hack my college database and search everything about Pete but first get me his mobile number. first i need to show him who he rejected" He surprisingly looked at m and asked

"Are you serious Hia? you were rejected by a boy? .... Now it's getting interesting! I will hack the server and find that boy who rejected my hia"

"Are you feeling bad for me or enjoying my rejection?"

"Of course, enjoying Hia " he said with a happy face and I smashed his head.


"Here is your needed info hia. He looks really cute how can you not notice him in college. if i was your age definitely i would have got him by this time. You wasted your time with your useless Ex". I smacked his head one more time

"Don't even think about it" I said and happily stored Pete's number in my phone.

"Are you really happy hia? Are you in Love?" with pity face

"Hell, no Macau, you know me very well I don't believe in love i just want to fuck him. he is so adorable. i want to see him in my bed"

"Hia don't talk to me like that, I am your little bro" said and hit my hand.

"I know but you have to know about these things you are growing up" ... He blushed and went to study.


Pete Pov

I'm tired today so, I want to eat my favorite curry, so I went to the curry shop near my room.

"My curry my world without curry I can't live my life. If there is No Curry No Pete" that's my Mantra

While I was waiting for my curry I received a call. I know who's calling, because I Know his number and I saved his number in my phone as "Sunshine protector" Now I got nervous how he got my number?

When I was lost in my thoughts, I forget to attend the call so it stopped ringing. And the waiter came with the curry, so I don't bother anymore because curry is more important to me so i just dig in.

When i was about to eat, then the same caller called now i was annoyed so i just picked up the call and yelled "What do you want Vegas?"

[So, you do have my number. you know my name, my number. Are you stalking me?]

"OMG, I doomed." I thought. I can't control my anger if anyone disturbs me while i am eating my curry so that's why I yelled now I am regretting saying his name and I'm worried about what he thinks of me. I spoiled everything. I was lost in my thoughts.

[Are you there Pete?]

"Why did you call me?" Now I try to act cool while eating my curry.

[Are you eating now?]

"Yes, Infront of my room there is a curry shop they sell amazing curries. Do you want to eat?" I ask like we are friends for years.

[No i can't eat spicy food, but I can eat you]

"WTF!!!" now I turned into a real tomato. "What did he mean by that" I was lost in my thoughts again.

[Hey cool]


[Baby Where are you i want to meet you now?]

What the fuck is he thinking? He just met me once and he started flirting me like he is the one who is following me for years. Just careful Pete don't stick with him.

"I am not your baby"

[Okay meet me tomorrow Infront of our college main gate. I hate our college but i want to see you so come fast okay, miss you cutiee. Bye meet me in your dreams]

and he cut the call without allowing me to speak.

"Should i feel happy or sad?" I'm confused but curry is waiting for me so i don't give a second thought about Vegas , now i need to focus on my curry only.


Vegas Pov

Pete is really something how did he have my number "Does he have a crush on me?" Then it will be easy for me to get him in my bed.

"Wait for me Cutiee" I thought and went to my father's room to talk about work as usual he slapped me and cursed me then I went to my bedroom and slept.

Now I need my sleep only, I hate my father i know he will die at the major family's hand one day and I'm waiting for that day. I want to be free from him and Macau needs a happy life. He is not our father he is a monster I hate him.

Proof Read by: @Lazygal_Teerey

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