Introduction: I'm in The Story

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Y/N = Your name

L/N = Your last name

Y/C = Your city (where you live)

E/C = Your eye color

I wake to the fresh feeling of summer break—marking my completed junior year of high school. My academy ends a month earlier than most schools, so it's actually only the beginning of May. It just so happens to also be my seventeenth birthday today.

I glance over at a digital clock near my bedside and feel my eyes widen as they stare blankly at the numbers. "2:39p.m." it reads.

"Damn it!" I shout and hustle out of bed, throwing on a sweatshirt and pair of pants, even though it's scalding hot outside.

"I'm so sorry, Auntie!" I exclaim as I scurry down a flight of stairs that leads to the main level of my house, "I must've slept right through my alarm!"

When I finally reach the kitchen, I freeze instantly at the sight of my aunt crossing her arms as she stares at me judgmentally.

"On any other day I would have let you have it," she spits, "But since today's a special day, Y/N, I'll let you off the hook just this once."
I sigh of relief and profusely thank her before sitting down on a stool next to the marble counter. My aunt always complains whenever I wake up after noon, claiming that it's bad for my health and she needs me to be up and about so I can help with the household duties. It is just the two of us, after all.

"Your friend from school is going to be here any moment, by the way," she informs me without any sort of warning whatsoever.

"What? Tab's coming? This early?"

"It's not early," she snaps back, "It's nearly three in the afternoon, you do realize—"
The melodious doorbell interrupts my aunt's sentence and I roll my eyes, feeling too drowsy to entertain company. At least Tab's my very best friend; she won't be too much of a bother.

I answer the door, unlocking and opening it, and she nearly flings herself into my arms.

"Happy birthday, Y/N!" She squeals, "I can't believe you're finally seventeen!"
I scratch the back of my head shyly.
"Yeah, I made it through another year, I guess," I say nonchalantly, "So, did you come over to celebrate with me?"

Just then, I notice the glittery gift bag in her left hand—it's rather large. I point to it.

"Is that for me?" I ask.

She nods a single time.

"Yes, you can open it now if you want."
I allow Tab to follow me inside and up to my bedroom. The both of us sink onto my bed and throw one another excited glances as I begin to unwrap the rectangular-shaped gift within the bag.

However, its contents lend themselves to be less than exciting, in my opinion. It is a box of books—comic books to be more exact—entitled "Naruto". All of the volumes are present. 

"Comic books?" I question, trying to hide my disappointment, "I've never read one before in my life."
Tab shakes her head incessantly.

"No, no, it's way more than that!" She insists, "It's the first manga I ever read!"
I tilt my head to the side.

"What's a manga?"

Tab huffs in annoyance.

"Never mind that," she snaps, "These books are special like none other. They're so fantastical, such an amazing adventure—and the backstories of the characters are heartbreaking. I think you'll find a sort of freedom when buried within the pages. It's like a great escape. "
Tab has always been a very passionate bookworm, while I have only stuck to movies and TV shows.

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