Chapter 3: An Unbearable Wait

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I sigh wearily, taking a seat on a bench in the center of the plaza, looking around at the different activities I could possibly partake in during the long wait for Itachi and Kisame to return. But seeing as I have absolutely no money and not even a map to guide me around the town, I'd say it's unlikely that I will be able to cure my boredom, for the most part.

I glance over at the hotel Itachi entered a few minutes ago, curious as to what is going on inside.

He's really beautiful—indescribably so. Just the epitome of a pretty boy. If he wasn't a weirdo who wants to run tests on me because I have no chakra, or whatever it's called, I would probably have a giant crush on him by now. But I think it's probably better this way anyhow. I can't get attached to someone from this world if I'm going to eventually return home.

And then a major realization hits me—my phone is in the pocket of my sweatshirt! Happy to have remembered this, I reach into the shallow pocket and retrieve the device. The screen-protector is chipped in multiple places, but other than that, it seems to be in fairly good shape. Unfortunately, I have no wi-fi nor cellular service since I'm in a completely different land. I should, however, be able to use all of the features on it that I would have the ability to use if my phone were in Airplane Mode. And so, I open my downloaded music library, prepared to listen to a playlist as I wait for Itachi and his partner to return. However, only one song in my entire library seems to be downloaded at the moment, much to my dismay——it is Coconut Mall from the Mario Kart Wii soundtrack. How did this even get on my phone? I certainly never added it to my playlist! Tab must've stolen my phone and downloaded it into my music library while I was occupied doing something else!

*A/N: Sorry for Coconut Malling you in 2022, it was stuck in my head while I was writing XD

"Damn it!" I shout a bit too loudly, disrupting a few people who are walking leisurely by me.

That being said, even Coconut Mall will help to keep my mind off of what could be going on in the hotel right now. And so, I let the infamous instrumental play, using a pair of earbuds that had been attached to my phone to listen. As the song goes on and on, it begins to grow on me a bit. Especially when listening to it with headphones, it's not so unbearable. And you know what? When it's over, I'm happy to realize that nearly five minutes have passed since Itachi left my side. I suppose I'll just take a short stroll around the plaza and keep it playing on repeat. It will get me through the terrible anticipation and boredom. 

By the fifth time I play Coconut Mall, I practically have the entire melody etched into my brain. It's so catchy that I can't help but add a little bounce to my step as I walk in circles around the main square, glancing over at the hotel every once in a while. However, this time when I observe the ominous building, I notice a strange movement coming from one of the upper levels. I snatch my earbuds out of my ears and hear a loud bang come from its innards. Additionally, a strange glowing light is emitting from one of the windows.

Something must have gone wrong.

My first instinct is to rush head-first into the building to discover what is going on, but Itachi told me to stay out here no matter what. What should I do? If I get in the way, I might get myself or someone else killed! But if I do nothing and something happens to Itachi, I'll feel so guilty. Even if we're not very close with one another yet, I certainly don't want him to die!

My feet move without me instructing them to; they rush into the hotel, and ignore the front desk attendant even after she yells at me to halt. Instead, I wind up in the nearby elevator, pressing the button for a high level, foot tapping anxiously against the flooring. When the doors finally open, I find myself in a hallway filled on all sides with strange pink mush. It almost looks like an intestine, or some other bodily matter. It's disgusting, to say the least. Before I know it, I see two familiar figures pass by me at unbelievable speed, as if they're running away from someone or something. One of them looks at me, and I recognize his eyes instantly. He stops dead in his tracks, appalled by my presence.

"Y/N!" Itachi exclaims, "What are you doing here?"
Before I can open my mouth to explain myself, he grabs my wrist and pulls me along, toward the end of the hallway. He can run shockingly fast—it's almost inhuman. He closes his eyes for a split second and when he re-opens them, they are overtaken by that strange three-sided blade shape again.

"Amaterasu!" He says.

Black flames erupt upon the fleshy material at the hallway's end, burning it to a crisp at a quick rate. As the fire begins to die down, a gaping hole is left in the wall——one we could escape through easily. Itachi picks me up, carrying me bridal-style in his arms. I grasp onto his shoulder as he sprints toward the opening.

"Wait!" I yell, "We're so high up! If we fall from this height we'll——"
My words are cut off as he ignores me and leaps out of the building, weaving across rooftops at alarming speed. Kisame follows right behind the two of us, obviously able to keep up with Itachi. Eventually, we find ourselves far enough away from the hotel that Itachi feels comfortable slowing down. We're in the middle of yet another wood, this one much less dense, so sunlight pours into it without issue. Itachi sets me down, allowing me to stand on my own two feet yet again. And then he grimaces.

"Y/N!" He shouts, "What the hell were you thinking? I told you to stay outside!"
His tone of voice causes tears to swell in my eyes. I've always hated being scolded in such a harsh tone.

"I'm sorry, Itachi! I was just worried, that's all," I sniffle, "Please don't yell at me..."
His gaze softens as he notices my melancholy expression. And then he sighs, cooling off his aggravated temper.

"I only told you to stay outside so I could keep you out of harm's way," he assures me, "You don't need to worry about me or Kisame, Y/N. We will always come back alive. And even if we don't, you wouldn't have the ability to change that outcome anyway. You'll just get yourself killed if you try to interfere. I fully intend on keeping my promise to protect you, but I can't do that if you ignore my warnings."

I stare at my feet, wiggling them bashfully as I avoid Itachi's frustrated gaze.

"Right, I get it," I murmur, "But you have to understand——It's difficult to wait around and do nothing while you could be putting your life on the line. I wasn't thinking logically when I rushed in there, I just didn't want to be sitting in that plaza all night and then realize the next morning that you're gone and never coming back. So, for a split second, I convinced myself that I had the power to change that. But, as you just said——what can I do? I'm completely useless."

Itachi awkwardly rests a hand on my shoulder and I flinch beneath his warm touch.

"I know you had good intentions," he says with a small yet existent smile, "And I appreciate that, truly. But next time, please stay outside. Otherwise I'll have to worry about you as well."

Kisame rolls his eyes at the two of us and our conversation.

"Can you two stop playing house and get moving already?" He snaps.

I feel my face become hot after these words fall out of Kisame's mouth.

"We're not playing house!" I yell, "It's not like that at all!"

Kisame smirks and then takes to the trees, hopping from branch to branch in a matter of seconds.

Itachi bends down onto one knee.

"Climb onto my back," he says, "I'll carry you so we can move faster."

Albeit reluctantly, I gently press my chest against his toned back, wrapping my legs around his torso. He secures them with both arms before following after Kisame, hopping from tree to tree, moving deeper into the shallow plantation.

Before long, we end up next to a large body of water, which Itachi steps on and begins to run across. I watch this phenomenon in awe. Practically anything is possible in this crazy world, but walking on water? That's insane!

Although I'm flabbergasted, I keep my mouth shut as to not startle the two of them. After all, I wouldn't want to be a distraction.

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