Chapter 20: My Lady

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I am in the middle of town, wearing a pretty dress and fancy clips in my hair. I search for someone, scanning the street for the sight of them.

"He's late!" I exclaim, "That's not like him!"

"Sorry, Y/N," A deep voice says from behind me, "I was picking these up for you."

When I turn around, I see Itachi smiling brightly in my direction, holding a bouquet of my favorite flowers.

I feel my heart melt a little at the loving sight.

"Thank you, My Love," I say, kissing him on the cheek.

When I go to retrieve the flowers from him, though, he refuses to give them up.

"I will hold them, since we'll be walking for a while."

He's such a gentleman! I thank him and then we begin to stride toward a fancy restaurant, at which he made a reservation for the two of us.

"So, what's the special occasion? Why did you want to eat somewhere so fancy today?"

He shrugs.

"There's no occasion," he explains, "I just wanted to treat you to something nice, Y/N. You are My Lady, after all."

This makes me blush. It sounds a bit old-fashioned, but it's so much more romantic than any other nickname a guy has ever given me.

"Itachi, you're the best. Thank you."

When we arrive at the restaurant, we're immediately seated on the patio, where fairy lights are strung overhead. Fireflies float all around the area, creating a magical mood and in the corner, a string quartet plays soft yet beautiful music.

"This place is going to be way too expensive!" I observe.

But he shakes his head, insisting he doesn't mind.

"Don't worry about that," he replies, "I can always bother Kakuzu to loan me some money, if need be. For tonight, let's just have a good time."

I must admit, the dinner was quite enjoyable. I finally had the chance to experience what it was like to go to a restaurant and be charged an unreasonable amount for a portion of food that's smaller than what one might receive normally. But, at least, they were serving my favorite dish. And it was very delicious——even though it tasted like money thrown down the drain.

When the two of us are getting ready to leave, Itachi grabs my wrist softly, as though he's trying to lead me somewhere.

"Come with me," he says.

A bit confused, I follow him until we reach a secluded lake in the middle of a forest. The water is beautiful beneath the setting sun, which is painted with vivid shades of orange, red and purple.

"What's going on?" I ask, shocked by the sudden change in surroundings.

"I'll need you to hold the flowers now, if you don't mind," he chuckles, finally giving them to me after all of this time.

He seems kind of... nervous. I don't think I've ever seen him act this way.

"Y/N," he begins, after taking a deep breath and holding my hand tenderly, "You are everything to me, I hope you know that. Ever since you came here, my life has changed for the better. Before meeting you, I'd forgotten what it was like to feel anything. In short, I was... numb. But, then, you showed me love and kindness. You made me feel wanted, like I finally had someone to trust and reach for on days when I felt empty. Because of you, I can feel again. Sometimes, I wonder how someone like me is lucky enough to be able to love someone like you. But I promise, I will prove over and over again that I am worthy of you. I promise, I will protect you always, and I will cherish every moment with you... Because I love you more than life itself."

My eyes widen as Itachi drops to one knee, clumsily shuffling through his back pocket until he presents a maroon, velvet box to me.

'Oh my gosh...' I speak internally, 'Is he about to do what I think he's about to do?!'

He carefully opens the box, revealing a beautiful engagement ring, in which sits a beautiful diamond in the center, flanked with my favorite colored gemstone on either side of it. I gasp, covering my mouth out of pure shock.

"Y/N L/N," he says softly, "Will you marry me?"

Tears of joy stream down my face as I nod incessantly.

"Yes!" I exclaim, "Yes, Itachi, of course I'll marry you!"

He slides the ring onto my left hand's fourth finger. It's a perfect fit! Did he measure the size of my finger while I was asleep, or something?

Itachi stands to embrace me lovingly in his warm arms.

"I love you," I whisper, and he holds me even tighter.

I can't wait to be his wife.

Suddenly, he lets go of me, eyebrows raised.

"I almost forgot!" He says urgently, "Do it now!"
I furrow my brow, wondering what else he has planned. He points to the sky above the lake and I watch in awe as dozens of colorful explosions detonate, mimicking fireworks when they're shot off at midnight on New Years' Day. Thanks, Deidara.

I laugh of joy and then take this moment to gaze into Itachi's eyes, which reflect the bursting lights.

He's unbelievably beautiful, inside and out.

I lightly kiss him on the lips, feeling closer to him than ever before. 

I love him more than anything.


I abruptly sit up in bed, a smile on my face after the wonderful proposal. But then, I look around and remember where I am——Deidara's underground hideout.

"That's right," I whisper to myself, "It was only a dream."
Tears begin to brim near the edges of my eyelids.

That dream... it was depicting the way things should have wound up.

I furrow my eyebrows in determination, casting away my emotions.

No. Stop wishing for things unless you try to make them come true. What's the point in sitting around, moping?

You have to fight, Y/N! You have to do everything in your power to push through this! These next few months will be crucial! You will bring him back——you just have to keep moving forward!

The Wish That Brought Me You (Itachi Uchiha x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now